About Sanka


Elimiate operational waste.

When unnecessary processes, tasks, and meetings continue, don’t you start to feel daunting? Every day, millions (if not billions!) of people are overwhelmed by such wasteful work, hindering the growth of their companies. Personally, I hate the operational waste so much that I've built tools and templates to cut them out at all costs for years. Sanka is a commerce management software refined through these practical experiences. We leverage the power of technology to help people run business more efficiently and create a world where everyone can participate (sanka*) in work they love. Haegwan Kim, Founder & CEO * sanka = participation in Japanese


1. Start with customers.
2. Be frugal and humble.
3. Move fast. Think long-term.


Haegwan Kim

Founder and CEO, Sanka

Haegwan is responsible for setting the overall direction, product strategy, and growth for the company.
Haegwan had worked at Coinbase, Square, Revolut, and studied sociology at the University of Warwick, UK.

Company Name Sanka, Inc.
Address 1-3-2 Toyosu Koto Tokyo, Japan
Contact hey@sanka.io
Founded October 10, 2013
Capital 6,100,000 JPY
CEO Haegwan Kim
URL sanka.io