Sanka Academy

Streamline Your Hiring With an Applicant Tracking System


Last Update: June 28, 2023

What you will get from this article

  • Define what is Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Understand why you need ATS for your hiring process
  • Understand how ATS work
  • Explore the key benefits of ATS
  • Explore the tips to choose the right ATS and how Sanka stand-out among other competitors

What Is an Applicant Tracking System and Why Do You Need One?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software that helps streamline and organize your hiring process. As a business owner, an ATS can save you time and money while allowing you to make better hiring decisions.

It can help streamline your hiring and allow you to focus on finding the best candidates.

With an ATS, you can post your job listing to multiple sites with a single click. The system captures applications as they come in and allows you to review, sort, and filter submissions based on your priorities.

You can quickly identify top candidates, schedule interviews, check references and make an offer to your selected applicant. An ATS reduces time-consuming administrative work, minimizes the risk of losing or missing information, and provides data and insights to help you make better hiring decisions.

For your business to scale, an efficient hiring process is essential. An applicant tracking system is a smart investment that will save you time and money in the long run.

How Does an ATS Work?

An ATS allows you to collect, organize, and evaluate job applications in one centralized database. Applicants can submit their information directly into the system, which then stores it for you to review as needed

Key Benefits of an ATS

  1. Reduce Time-Consuming Tasks. No more sorting through piles of paper resumes, inputting applicant data manually, or trying to schedule phone calls and in-person interviews. An ATS handles all of these administrative tasks for you.
  2. Improve Organization and Collaboration. All applicant and job information is stored in one place. Hiring managers, recruiters, and executives can easily share notes, schedule interviews, and evaluate candidates together.
  3. Standardize Your Hiring Process. You can configure your ATS with customized application questions, assessments, scheduling tools, and evaluation workflows. This helps ensure each candidate has a consistent experience and is evaluated objectively according to your hiring criteria.
  4. Gain Valuable Insights. Many ATS solutions offer reporting and analytics features that provide insights into your hiring funnel and the overall effectiveness of your recruiting efforts. You can see metrics like application completion rates, time-to-hire, and the sources of your top candidates.
  5. Enhance Your Candidate Experience. An intuitive, user-friendly ATS with an efficient application process creates a positive experience for applicants. This can improve your company’s reputation and ability to attract top talent.
  6. Streamlining the Recruitment Process. By integrating and consolidating the entire recruitment process in one convenient interface, an ATS makes the job of recruiting a more seamless and efficient process.
  7. Reducing Cost-Per-Hire. With automation and efficient applicant management, an Applicant Tracking System significantly decreases the resources required to screen and review applicants, ultimately reducing the overall cost of hiring.

An ATS is an essential technology for any organization looking to modernize its hiring. With the right system in place, you can hire better talent faster and build a more strategic recruiting function. By optimizing one of the most crucial business processes, an ATS is an investment that pays off.

Must-Have Features in an Applicant Tracking System

An applicant tracking system (ATS) can help streamline your hiring process, but not all systems are created equal. When evaluating options, look for these must-have features:

Robust Reporting and Analytics

A good ATS should provide customized reports and analytics to give you insight into your hiring process.

Look for a system that tracks key metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source of hire. Reports should be easy to generate and filter by role, location, date range, and other parameters.

Analytics and reporting allow you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Configurable Workflows

Your ATS should adapt to your existing hiring workflows, not the other way around. Look for a system with configurable workflows you can customize for different roles.

It should support multiple approvers, automated notifications, and rule-based routing. Configurable workflows ensure a streamlined process that suits your needs.

Candidate Relationship Management

A CRM feature allows you to build and manage relationships with candidates for future roles. Look for an ATS that stores candidate profiles, communications, and activity history in one place.

It should have tools for organizing, searching, and filtering your candidate database. A good CRM makes it easy to find the right candidates at the right time.

Seamless Integrations

Your ATS should integrate with the other systems you use, such as your HRIS, background check provider, assessment tools, and interview scheduling software.

Integrations allow for an efficient transfer of data between systems without duplicate data entry. They provide a seamless experience for both recruiters and candidates.

An applicant tracking system with these key features will help streamline your hiring from start to finish.

By automating processes, providing data-driven insights, and integrating with your existing HR stack, the right ATS can save time, reduce costs, and lead to better hiring decisions.

Choosing the Right ATS for Your Needs

Define Your Needs

When evaluating ATS solutions, first determine your company’s core needs and must-have features. Consider things like:

  • The number of job openings and applicants you handle per year. A larger volume will require a more robust system.
  • Integrations needed with your current HR systems and software like background check tools, payroll platforms, etc.
  • Ease of use for hiring managers and administrators. More complex systems may require extensive training.
  • Reporting and analytics capabilities. Do you need scheduled reports, customizable dashboards, and data insights?
  • Budget and pricing model. SaaS solutions are popular but may cost more long-term. Open source and self-hosted systems have lower upfront costs.

Compare Options

With your needs defined, compare different ATS solutions. Some highly-rated options include:

  • Sanka: An automation tool designed to execute applicant tracking systems with maximum efficiency. With an easy-to-use interface and a range of powerful features, Sanka is the ideal choice for businesses aiming to streamline their recruiting process and save both time and money.
  • Greenhouse: Used by thousands of mid-size companies. Intuitive interface with strong reporting. Integrates with most HR tech.
  • Jobvite: Popular ATS suited for enterprises. Customizable workflows and branded career sites. Limited free trial available.
  • Workable: Streamlined, affordable ATS for small to mid-size businesses. Simple to set up with useful free resources and webinars. Integrates with multiple background check providers. Limited free trial.
  • Lever: Fast-growing ATS focused on data-driven hiring. Provides customized process templates, scorecards, and video interviewing tools. Mostly geared toward mid-market and enterprise companies.

Make Your Selection

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, take advantage of free trials to test the systems firsthand. Evaluate the pros and cons for your organization and see how each solution handles your actual job processes in action.

Negotiate the best price and contract terms before officially purchasing your new ATS. With the right solution in place, you'll be equipped to significantly improve your hiring efficiency and the candidate experience.

What Sets Sanka Apart from Other Applicant Tracking Systems?

Sanka offers unique features that set it apart from other Applicant Tracking Systems, including:

Customizable Workflows

Sanka allows you to create and customize workflows based on your unique hiring process, ensuring that the software fits seamlessly into your existing processes.

Advanced Analytics

Sanka's Applicant Tracking System provides advanced analytics to help you make data-driven decisions throughout the recruitment process.

With detailed reports and insights, you can optimize your hiring strategy to ensure the best outcomes.

Seamless Integration

Sanka is designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing systems, including your HRMS and other workplace applications, making it a convenient and powerful addition to your existing toolset.

Excellent Customer Support

Sanka is known for its excellent customer support, with dedicated representatives available to assist you whenever needed. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for users.

How to Implement an Applicant Tracking System

To implement an applicant tracking system (ATS) for your business, follow these steps:

Define Your Needs

First, determine what exactly you need an ATS to handle. Do you want it to simply collect and organize applications? Or do you need additional features like scheduling, background checks, onboarding, etc.?

Every business has individual requirements when it comes to hiring. Make sure to choose an ATS that caters to your specific needs and preferences.

Research Options

There are many ATS options available, from free basic software to full-featured paid platforms. Compare solutions based on your needs and budget.

Look for an intuitive interface, customizable features, and excellent customer support. In addition, make sure to evaluate the pricing based on the number of features offered, as well as any hidden costs or fees.

Set Up and Customize

Once you choose an ATS, it’s time to set it up. Add your company information, create user accounts, build application forms, and determine workflows.

Configure the stages of your hiring process and how applications will advance through them.

Customize the interface to match your branding. The more you tailor the ATS to your needs, the easier it will be for your team to use.

Train Your Team

Conduct training to ensure your staff utilizes the ATS system properly. Review how to post jobs, source candidates, evaluate applications, schedule interviews, and move candidates through each stage.

Provide opportunities for your team to explore the system, ask questions, and suggest any changes to optimize functionality.

Review and Revise

After implementing your new ATS, monitor how it’s working and make any necessary changes. Look for ways to further improve efficiency or enhance the candidate experience.

Regularly check that your staff is using the system as intended and address any issues. Keep your ATS up to date with the latest features and updates to get the most out of your investment.

Data Security and Compliance

The last thing you want is for your applicant's data to be compromised. Therefore, ensure that your chosen ATS offers robust data security and is compliant with all relevant regulations.


An ATS can greatly improve your hiring process if implemented properly. Take the time to choose a solution that suits your needs, customize it fully, and train your team to use it effectively.

With regular review and revision, your ATS will help streamline recruiting and allow you to focus on finding the best candidates.

Consider using for your businesses that looking for an efficient and user-friendly ATS solution.

With its advanced features, customizable workflows, and excellent customer support, Sanka is an invaluable tool for any business seeking to grow and prosper in today's competitive market.

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