Sanka Academy

Mastering Digital Marketing in Asia: Essential Strategies & Tips


Last Update: June 22, 2023


Digital marketing has become a cornerstone of business growth in the 21st century. It is one of the most dynamic and effective channels for brands to reach out to their target audience.

With online consumers growing in numbers at a faster rate than ever before, especially in emerging markets such as China, India, and Indonesia, Asia offers an abundance of opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and drive success.

This blog post will introduce you to unique digital marketing practices in Asia, as well as highlight essential tools such as Sanka, which can help you execute digital marketing campaigns more efficiently in the region.

Why Using Digital Marketing for Business

Dynamic and Effective Channels

Digital marketing is one of the most dynamic and effective channels for brands to reach out to their target audience.

It's also a great way to build brand awareness, social engagement, and community among customers.

Digital marketing allows you to reach customers on mobile devices which means that your message can be delivered at any time or place by using different types of media such as websites, apps, email newsletters, or even text messages!


Marketing campaigns on digital platforms such as social media, blogs and email newsletters are cheaper compared to traditional advertising methods.

Digital marketing allows you to target your audience more efficiently and thus save money on costs.

As a result, businesses are able to reach their target customers effectively at lower cost with digital marketing strategies such as:

  • Social media posts or ads
  • Email newsletters that promote your business’s products or services

Vast Opportunity

The digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving, with more people than ever before accessing the internet and using mobile devices.

In fact, the number of online consumers around the world is growing at a faster rate than ever before.

In addition to this growth in digital users, there has been an increase in social media usage as well as an increase in online shopping and banking — all areas where marketers can reach out to potential customers with their products and services.

Enhance User Engagement

Social media is an important part of any digital marketing campaign because it enables brands to build an online community that allows them to interact directly with their customers.

Social media can help you build brand loyalty and customer engagement by providing a platform where consumers can share their experiences with your products or services, which helps in promoting the brand better than any other medium.

Social media also enables customers to directly ask questions about anything related to your business and get answers instantly from the company itself instead of waiting for days or weeks like they would if they were calling up customer service representatives at their call center.

Boost Credibility

Blogging can be used as a powerful method for building brand awareness as well as creating social engagement and community among customers.

Blogs are an effective way to share information about new products or special offers that interest customers personally, making them more likely to engage with the content and take action.

Blogs also provide you with an opportunity to establish yourself as an industry expert, which will help you build credibility in your field.

If your blog is updated regularly with useful tips and advice on digital marketing tactics, readers will see you as someone who knows what they're talking about—and they'll be more likely to trust whatever else it is that you have to say.

Personalized Targeting

Email marketing is another great way for brands to keep in touch with their customers by sending them messages about new products or special offers that interest them personally rather than bombarding them with generic messages about sales promotions or company updates that they may not be interested in at all.

Email marketing is a very cost-effective way of reaching out to customers and building relationships with them, as well as getting people back into your store.

It's also easy to automate so you don't have to spend time manually sending out emails every time there's a new sale on something specific (or even just whenever).

This means you can spend more time focusing on other parts of your business rather than just sending newsletters all day long!

Essential Strategies for Mastering Digital Marketing in Asia

The Importance of Mobile Devices in Asia

In the age of technology, consumers are increasingly using mobile devices to connect with brands.

In fact, a study by Nielsen revealed that nearly 70% of smartphone users in Asia Pacific use their phones for online shopping and 60% use them as a primary source of information about products and services.

Mobile devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. They allow us to access information at any time or place, making them ideal tools for marketing campaigns targeting busy professionals who want quick answers on the go.

This means that businesses need to ensure their websites and advertising campaigns are optimized for mobile devices, and that they are investing in mobile-specific strategies such as in-app advertising and mobile search ads.

Localization of Content is Key

Asia is a diverse region with multiple languages and cultures. As such, it is crucial to ensure that digital marketing efforts are localized to cater to the specific preferences and needs of consumers.

This means translating and adapting promotional materials like websites, social media posts, and advertisements into the local languages and maintaining cultural sensitivity by avoiding any offensive content.

Leveraging Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool in Asia, where celebrities and social media personalities hold sway over consumer preferences.

Consumers in the region place a high level of trust in influencers and seek their recommendations when making purchasing decisions.

Identify influential individuals in your target market and collaborate with them to promote your products or services.

Ensure that the influencers align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their followers.

This trend isn't limited to just established celebrities; micro-influencers with niche but dedicated followings can be even more effective in reaching specific target audiences.

Utilizing Video Content

Video content is becoming increasingly popular in Asia, especially short-form videos on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

These platforms offer an engaging and entertaining way for brands to reach and interact with their audiences.

Video content can range from product demonstrations and tutorials to behind-the-scenes footage and user-generated content.

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Asia boasts several social media platforms unique to the region, such as WeChat, LINE, and KakaoTalk.

Identify the most popular social media channels in your target market and tailor your strategies accordingly.

Tapping into these channels can help businesses reach and engage with local audiences better.

Additionally, traditional platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are consistently popular throughout the region, providing ample opportunities for brands to connect with their target market.

Strong Focus on Performance Marketing

Investments in digital marketing in Asia have been increasingly focused on performance marketing, which prioritizes measurable, tangible results.

Platforms like Sanka offer advanced analytics and tools to help businesses optimize their ads for performance by reducing ad spend wastage and improving targeting and ad delivery.

With the rising competition in Asia, adopting performance marketing strategies is critical for success.

Digital Payments and FinTech

Digital payments are becoming the norm in Asia, with mobile wallets like Alipay, WeChat Pay, and GrabPay gaining popularity.

This trend opens new opportunities for digital marketers to integrate seamless payment experiences into their marketing and sales funnels, making it easy for consumers to make purchases directly from ads, websites, or social media posts.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is gradually becoming a game-changer in the field of digital marketing in Asia. AI-powered tools, like Sanka, can optimize ad targeting, content creation, and performance analysis with precision.

These tools enable marketers to make data-driven decisions that enhance efficiency and effectiveness in executing digital marketing campaigns across Asia.

Embracing E-Commerce Opportunities

E-commerce is expanding in Asia, as consumers look outside their respective countries to purchase products and services.

This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to extend their reach, leveraging digital marketing strategies to target consumers across the region.

Optimize your product listings, provide secure payment options, and offer localized customer support to enhance the shopping experience.

Incorporate online promotions and discounts to drive conversions and customer loyalty.

Additionally, consider tailoring your marketing efforts to the unique preferences and trends of each country.


Asia has emerged as a hotbed for digital marketing, and businesses need to adapt their strategies to succeed in this rapidly changing landscape.

By understanding the unique aspects of digital marketing in Asia and leveraging cutting-edge tools like Sanka, you can create targeted and efficient campaigns and propel your business toward growth and success.

Stay adaptable, continually analyze data, and refine your strategies to stay ahead in this dynamic digital landscape.

With the right approach, businesses can unlock immense growth potential and thrive in the flourishing Asian market.

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