Sanka Academy

Mastering Digital Marketing in Japan: Tips and Strategies


Last Update: June 22, 2023


Digital marketing has become a crucial component of any successful business strategy, and this is especially true for digital marketing in Japan.

Digital marketing is a great way to promote your business, but that doesn't mean it's always easy.

In fact, when you're marketing in Japan, it can be quite difficult if you don't understand the local culture and language.

However, with the right strategies and tools at hand, digital marketing in Japan can do wonders for your brand!

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of digital marketing in Japan, the unique challenges it presents, and the tools that can help businesses navigate this complex landscape.

Digital Marketing in Japan is a Huge Market.

Japan is the second largest economy in the world and has a population of 125 million people, which makes it an attractive market for digital marketers.

The country also has one of the highest internet penetration rates in Asia at 94%, as well as a sizeable mobile phone market: Japan ranks fourth globally with around 80 million active users on 4G networks.

In terms of social media, it is estimated that over 81% of Japan’s people use social media.

This makes Japan an excellent place for any company looking to reach customers through digital channels such as social media or advertising platforms like Google Ads.

Understanding the Japanese Market

Before diving into digital marketing strategies for the Japanese market, it is essential to understand the uniqueness of Japanese consumers.

They tend to be well-informed, and technologically savvy, and place great importance on trust and authenticity.

This means that businesses entering the Japanese market need to provide detailed, high-quality content and establish a trustworthy brand image.

Challenges of Digital Marketing in Japan

Local language and culture can hinder marketing efforts

One of the main challenges businesses face in digital marketing in Japan is the language barrier.

It can be daunting to try and figure out the best way of reaching your target audience in a country that has its own language, culture, and customs--and where digital marketing is still relatively new.

Effective marketing requires a deep understanding of the target market's language and culture.

So, unless your business has in-house Japanese language experts, a professional translation service will be necessary to localize your content accurately and effectively.

You may have already heard that Japan is known for being very polite—even more so than other countries in Asia like China or South Korea.

This means that if you're trying to market yourself on social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, posting rude comments will likely get you unfollowed quickly by followers who don't appreciate this kind of behavior from anyone let alone strangers on the internet!

Unique Social Media Platforms

Another thing to keep in mind when promoting yourself online: many Japanese people have never used Facebook before because they consider it too personal or private an activity; instead they use Line instead which allows users greater control over their privacy settings while still allowing them to access all kinds useful information.

LINE is a popular Japanese messaging app that also serves as a promotional platform for businesses to engage directly with potential customers.

With 80 million users in Japan, LINE is an essential platform for digital marketing in Japan.

.Japanese people are also more inclined to use Asian social media networks like WeChat, LINE, and KakaoTalk because they're familiar with their interfaces.

Essential Tools for Digital Marketing in Japan

There are a number of essential tools for digital marketing in Japan. In this section, we'll discuss the most important ones and how they can help you to achieve your goals.

Sanka for Automation

To create cost-effective and efficient digital marketing campaigns in Japan, consider using Sanka.

Sanka is a powerful automation tool that can streamline digital marketing tasks, allowing you to focus on core business activities.

From campaign management to scheduling, Sanka is an excellent first-choice tool for businesses seeking to execute digital marketing campaigns in Japan.

Analytics Tools

Japanese customers tend to have high expectations for digital content, so it's crucial to monitor your digital marketing efforts' performance. With analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can track and analyze user behavior, helping you create better-targeted marketing strategies.

Google Ads

This is basically an advertising platform where businesses post ads based on keywords related to their industry/product/service category etc., targeting people searching specifically for such things online rather than being shown randomly through other channels like TV commercials, etc.

This helps companies reach customers who may otherwise not have heard about them yet.

These ads don't cost much either compared to other forms of marketing like TV commercials.

Implementing Digital Marketing Strategies in Japan

  • Content Marketing: As mentioned earlier, Japanese consumers appreciate high-quality, detailed content.

By producing informative and engaging content through blogs, e-books, and videos, you can establish your brand as an expert in your field.

  • Market Research: Before you begin implementing digital marketing strategies, it's important to do some research on the market.

If you're introducing a new product or service, it's best to know what customers are looking for and how they prefer being marketed to.

This can be done through surveys and interviews with potential customers who fit your target demographic as well as industry experts who can provide insight into current trends in your market.

  • Analytics: Once you've completed your market research and identified what kind of products/services are needed by consumers, it's time for analytics!

By using analytics software like Google Analytics or Sanka, businesses can track how people interact with their websites or apps so they can better understand how best to make those experiences even better over time and ultimately boost conversions too!

  • Social Media Advertising: In addition to digital ads appearing alongside search results on Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), social media platforms such as Facebook allow marketers another opportunity to reach out directly through paid advertising campaigns within their respective networks when targeting specific demographics.

Create targeted advertisements and invest in paid promotional campaigns to reach a wider audience and maximize engagement.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is vital to ensure your website and content appear at the top of search engine results.

Remember that Yahoo! is the most popular search engine in Japan, accounting for 60% of all searches, followed by Google with 40%.

Optimize your website and content for both search engines to reach the largest audience possible.

  • Influencer Marketing: Leveraging popular influencers can help you quickly establish trust and credibility with Japanese consumers.

Collaborate with influencers in your industry to expand your reach, enhance brand awareness, and bring in new customers.


As you can see, digital marketing in Japan is a complex process that requires careful planning and implementation.

Even though the country's language and culture may seem foreign to outsiders, it is possible to reach out to Japanese consumers through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Use a combination of automation tools like Sanka, analytics software, and a tailored marketing strategy to create compelling content.

By effectively leveraging these resources, you can significantly boost your business's potential in the lucrative Japanese market.

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