Sanka Academy

Master Ecommerce Translation: Boost Global Sales Today


Last Update: June 13, 2023


Imagine your business reaching customers from every corner of the world, breaking language barriers, and skyrocketing your sales.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, with the power of e-commerce translation, this dream can become a reality.

E-commerce translation is essential in today's globalized world where online businesses are catering to a diverse audience with different languages and cultural backgrounds.

A well-translated e-commerce website can boost your international sales, improve customer satisfaction rates, and enhance your brand reputation.

In this blog post, we'll discuss its importance and share tips on how to execute it efficiently with the help of tools like Sanka.

The Benefits of Offering a Multilingual E-commerce Experience

As businesses look to expand their sales globally, e-commerce translation becomes a critical factor in reaching a wider audience.

Language barriers can significantly impact customer engagement and sales, so it's essential to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers, regardless of their native language.

Breaking Language Barriers

One of the most significant challenges faced by online businesses is the language barrier.

With customers hailing from various countries and speaking different languages, it is crucial for businesses to offer their products and services in a language that their customers can understand.

E-commerce translation helps break this language barrier by providing accurate translations of product descriptions, user interfaces, and customer support content.

This ensures that customers can seamlessly navigate your online store and make informed decisions about their purchases.

Expanding Market Reach and Revenue

By offering your e-commerce platform in multiple languages, you can tap into new markets and reach a wider audience. This increases your potential customer base and opens up opportunities for growth.

E-commerce translation allows you to cater to the needs of customers from different cultural backgrounds, ensuring that your business is accessible to a global audience.

Based on CSA Research, 76% of online shoppers are more likely to make a purchase if the website is in their native language. As a result, translating your site can lead to higher conversion rates.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Providing a seamless and enjoyable customer experience is vital for the success of any e-commerce business.

Presenting your e-commerce site in multiple languages allows you to provide better customer support and ensures that customers understand your products, offers, and services better.

This helps to build trust and credibility with your customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Brand Image

Translating your e-commerce website demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and catering to a diverse audience.

By offering a multilingual experience, you establish a global presence and improve your brand image.

Improving SEO Performance

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving traffic to your e-commerce website.

By offering content in multiple languages, you can improve your website's visibility on search engines in different regions.

Translating your product descriptions, metadata, and URLs with region-specific keywords allows you to target local audiences effectively.

This can lead to increased organic traffic and higher conversion rates, ultimately boosting your sales and revenue.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

In the highly competitive world of e-commerce, businesses need to continually innovate and adapt to stay ahead of the competition.

Offering your website in multiple languages can give you a competitive edge by catering to a diverse customer base.

You are a step ahead in differentiating yourself from competitors who have not yet embraced this strategy. This unique selling proposition positions your brand as more inclusive and customer-centric.

This not only helps you attract new customers but also retain existing ones, ensuring the long-term success of your business.

Key Considerations for E-commerce Translation

To achieve a good outcome while beginning the e-commerce translation process, it's imperative to keep a few crucial points in mind.

It's essential to consider the following factors:

1. Identifying Target Markets and Languages

Identify your potential target markets and the languages spoken in those countries.

Conduct thorough market research to determine the countries and regions with the highest potential for your products or services.

Focus on the languages spoken by your target audience to maximize the impact of your translation efforts.

2. Evaluating the Cost and Return on Investment (ROI)

E-commerce translation can be a significant investment, so it's crucial to evaluate the costs associated with translation services, tools, and resources.

Analyze the potential return on investment (ROI) by considering factors such as increased sales, customer engagement, and market expansion.

This will help you determine the feasibility and long-term benefits of your e-commerce translation efforts.

3. Ensuring Compliance with Local Regulations and Legal Requirements

Be aware of legal and regulatory requirements specific to the target market. This includes consumer protection laws, privacy policies, and payment processing regulations.

Work with legal experts familiar with the local laws in your target markets to ensure your e-commerce platform complies with all necessary requirements.

4. Continuously Updating and Maintaining Translated Content

E-commerce translation is not a one-time effort. As your product offerings, promotions, and marketing campaigns change, you'll need to continuously update and maintain your translated content.

Stay proactive by monitoring customer feedback, tracking performance metrics, and working closely with your translation team to ensure your website remains accurate and up-to-date in all languages.

5. Quality Assurance and Cultural Appropriateness

Maintaining the quality and cultural appropriateness of your translated content is crucial for engaging customers and building trust.

Work with professional translators who have a deep understanding of your target audience's culture and preferences. Review and implement a thorough quality assurance process to review translations for accuracy, consistency, and cultural relevance.

Additionally, conduct user testing and gather feedback from native speakers to identify any areas that require improvement.

6. Integrating Translations with Your E-Commerce Platform

Consider how your translated content will integrate with your e-commerce platform. This includes aspects such as product listings, navigation menus, and checkout processes.

Ensure that your e-commerce platform supports multiple languages and can seamlessly display translated content without affecting the user experience.

7. Localization

Localization is more than language translation, localize your content (e.g., currency, date formats, and contact information) to tailor your site to fit the cultural preferences of your target audience.

Localization ensures that your e-commerce website and product descriptions feel native to the target audience, enhancing the user experience.

8. SEO Optimization

To optimize your translated content for local search engines, you should research and include relevant keywords and phrases in the target language.

Consider how consumers in the target market search for products, and adjust your content accordingly.

To ensure your translated content ranks well in search engines, optimize your site for multilingual SEO by using the appropriate keywords, meta tags, and URL structures.

Efficiently Execute E-commerce Translation with Automation

Manual translation can be time-consuming, and your in-house team might not possess the language skills needed to deliver a high-quality translation.

With automation tools like Sanka, you can streamline the e-commerce translation process, improve consistency, and save time and resources.

Here are some benefits of using automation for e-commerce translation:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Automated translation tools can quickly translate your e-commerce site's content, reducing the time it takes to enter new markets.
  2. Cost Savings: By reducing the need for manual translation, automation tools can save your business money on translation costs.
  3. Consistency: Automation ensures consistent translations across your website, preventing misunderstandings and confusion that can result from varying translation styles.
  4. Updating Content: By integrating with your content management system (CMS), translation automation tools can automatically update your site's translated content whenever you make changes on your primary language site, ensuring your translated site remains up-to-date.

Sanka: A Comprehensive Solution for E-commerce Translation


Sanka is a cutting-edge automation tool designed to execute e-commerce translation efficiently. It offers a range of features designed to make the translation and localization process seamless and user-friendly.

  1. Simplified Interface: Sanka's easy-to-use interface allows you to manage translations for your website quickly and efficiently. The platform integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento for seamless translation management.
  2. Human-Assisted Translation: While Sanka leverages machine learning for rapid translations, it also gives you the option to collaborate with professional human translators to ensure high-quality translations tailored to your target market.
  3. Translation Memory: Sanka stores previously translated phrases to help speed up the translation process, improve consistency, and reduce costs.
  4. Multilingual SEO: Sanka ensures your translated website is optimized for search engines by translating and localizing meta tags, URLs, and other SEO elements.


E-commerce translation is an essential aspect of growing your online business and expanding into new markets.

By offering a localized shopping experience, you can attract a broader audience, increase sales, and improve your brand reputation.

Automating the translation process with a tool like Sanka can save time, resources and ensure high-quality translations for your e-commerce website.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your brand's global reach – embrace e-commerce translation today!

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