Sanka Academy

5 Essential Facebook Automation Strategies to Grow Your Business


Last Update: May 29, 2023


So you've got a business and you want to use Facebook to spread the word, engage your audience, and boost your sales.

Great idea. But posting a few times a week and hoping for the best isn't going to cut it. You need a real strategy.

The good news is, with a little automation, you can save tons of time while still being highly effective.

Here are five essential Facebook automation strategies to grow your business.

Implement these tips, and you'll save time, reach more of your target audience, and see big improvements in engagement and lead generation.

Read on to learn how to automate your way to Facebook marketing success!

Automate Your Facebook Audience Targeting

You can reach the right people at the right time by automating your audience targeting.

First, create personalized audiences using your email lists and website traffic. Upload your prospect and customer email lists to create audiences of people who are familiar with your brand.

You may also establish audiences based on visitors to specific pages on your website. Re-engage these audiences on Facebook by targeting them.

Then, using the audience expansion tool, reach out to new people who are similar to your personalized audiences.

Facebook will evaluate your audiences and locate lookalikes who share important characteristics. This allows you to reach out to new potential customers.

You should also automate your ad scheduling. Run ads only on the days and times your target audience is most active on Facebook.

Use the ad scheduling tool to set the best schedule for each campaign based on your audience insights.

Also, automate your budget allocation. Create rules to automatically increase or decrease your daily budget based on the performance of your campaign.

Increase the budget for a successful ad to improve outcomes. Reduce the budget for an ad if it is struggling.

Finally, automate your ads to maximize their effectiveness.

Create many advertisements for the same campaign and let Facebook's machine learning determine which one resonates with your target demographic the most.

It will show the best-performing ad more frequently.

You can set up efficient ads, reach the correct audiences, and optimize your results with less work if you use Facebook's automation tools.

Schedule Your Facebook Posts in Advance

To get the most out of Facebook for your business, you need to automate. Setting up rules for posting will save you tons of time and allow you to focus on engagement.

When you automate your posting, you can focus on high-value tasks instead of constantly logging in to share an update or respond to comments.

Use a social media management tool like Sanka to schedule posts.

These platforms connect directly to your Facebook Business Page so you can plan and publish posts in one place.

Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Create a content calendar to map out your posts for the next few weeks or months.

Figure out how often you want to post and the best times to post for your audience and schedule posts in advance.

Then determine the type of content for each post, like blog updates, videos, images, or questions.

  1. Write your posts in advance.

Come up with messages, captions, and any images or links you want to include.

Then simply schedule the posts to go live on your planned publishing dates.

This avoids the last-minute scramble to think of something to say.

  1. Use a mix of content types and lengths.

Don't just schedule a series of long blog posts or product announcements.

Throw in some short updates, images, questions, or fun facts to keep your audience engaged.

  1. Check your scheduled posts before they go live.

Log into your social media automation tool a day or two before the post is set to publish.

Make sure the content and messaging still feel relevant and on brand.

You can easily unscheduled or edit any posts if needed.

  1. Analyze how your scheduled posts perform.

See which types of content and publishing times get the most likes, comments, and shares. Then use that data to improve your scheduling and make an even bigger impact.

Automating your Facebook marketing may seem complicated, but the tools are easy to use and the rewards are huge.

You'll gain exposure, build real connections, and ultimately drive more sales.

The more you automate, the more you can focus on creating great content and engaging with your community.

Automate Your Facebook Lead Generation Campaigns

Create Lead Ads

Lead ads are Facebook ads designed specifically to generate leads for your business.

They allow people to fill out a short form right within the ad to express their interest in your product or service.

The information is then sent directly to your Facebook page's inbox or email.

To set up lead ads:

  • Choose “Lead Generation” as your campaign objective.
  • Select the information you want to collect from people like their name, email, phone number, etc. Facebook will build a lead form within your ad.
  • Design your ad creative and include a strong call-to-action like “Sign Up Now” or “Get Started Today” to encourage people to fill out the lead form.
  • Place your Lead Ads on Facebook and Instagram. They work great on both platforms.
  • Leads will start rolling in! Facebook will automatically deliver new leads to your business inbox or directly import them into your CRM.

Automate Lead Nurturing

Once you start generating leads, you need to nurture them to move them through your sales funnel.

Set up an automated lead nurturing campaign on Facebook to send a series of messages to your new leads.

  • Create a series of 3 to 5 messages to send over the course of a few weeks. The messages should provide value and help build trust and familiarity with your brand.
  • Use a tool that integrates directly with your Facebook page's inbox to automatically send messages on a schedule.
  • Include buttons in the messages to keep leads engaged. For example, offer a coupon code, link to a blog post or video, or invite them to schedule a call.
  • Track open and click-through rates to see how your leads are responding. Make changes to your messages or call-to-action buttons as needed to optimize the results.

Automating your Facebook lead generation and nurturing campaigns frees up your time so you can focus on other high-priority marketing tasks.

Be sure to monitor your campaigns regularly and continue optimizing them to achieve the best results.

With the right strategy and messaging in place, you'll turn more of your Facebook leads into customers.

Automate Your Facebook Messenger Marketing

Automating your Facebook Messenger is a game changer. No more wasting time sharing and replying to the same messages or questions over and over. Set up auto-responses and focus on more important tasks.

By automating your Messenger marketing, you can start engaging your audience on a personal level and drive more sales.

Here are a few ways to automate your Facebook Messenger marketing:

  • Create chatbots to handle common questions.

Chatbots can instantly respond to frequently asked questions about your product or service.

They provide quick answers for your audience and free up your time.

  • Send automated welcome messages.

Welcome new subscribers with an automated message thanking them for following your page.

Include a call to action, like downloading an e-book or joining your email list.

These quick welcome messages make new followers feel appreciated and help you capture more leads.

  • Share updates and promotions.

Use a tool like Sanka to schedule automated messages promoting your latest content, news, and special offers.

Time these messages to go out when your audience is most active on Facebook Messenger for the best results.

  • Nurture leads with drip campaigns.

Drip campaigns, or automated messaging sequences, are extremely effective for lead nurturing.

Create a series of 3–5 messages to send to new subscribers over the course of a few weeks.

Educate them about your product or service and make an offer at the end of the sequence.

Drip campaigns have high open and click-through rates, leading to more conversions.

  • Provide quick support. For simple questions and issues, use pre-written responses to provide fast support over Messenger.

Have a few common questions and answers prepared, then copy and paste the appropriate response when a question comes in. Your audience will appreciate the quick response time.

Automating your Facebook Messenger marketing helps you scale your efforts and have more meaningful interactions with your audience.

Track Key Metrics and Optimize Accordingly.

Once you have your Facebook automation strategies in place, it’s important to track how they’re performing to optimize your efforts. Some key metrics to monitor include:


Examine how people are reacting to your postings. Examine the number of likes, comments, shares, and click-throughs.

Posts with a higher engagement rate are more popular with your audience.

Determine what is working and do more of it! You may also observe when your audience is most active by checking engagement by time of day.

  • Likes: People who like your content may not have strong feelings about it. Still a good indication of interest.
  • Comments: This demonstrates that your content is thought-provoking or worthy of discussion. Respond to comments and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.
  • Shares: This signifies that your work is valuable enough for others to spread it. Take note of what is being shared the most.


Keep track of how much traffic comes from Facebook to your website.

Look for peaks and determine which postings are generating the most clicks. Then create more of the same type of material.

You can also monitor traffic sources to see how social referrals compare to other channels.


The end goal is to convert social traffic into leads and customers.

Track how many people take a desired action after clicking from Facebook, such as signing up for a newsletter, requesting a demo, or making a purchase.

Adjust your automation to focus on the posts and offers that generate the greatest conversions.

Audience Growth

Keep track of how quickly your Facebook audience is growing.

If your growth is slow, consider boosting your postings, running advertisements, or changing your content approach.

Look for ways to engage new followers and convert them into long-term contacts.

By analyzing these indicators on a regular basis, you'll gain valuable insights into what's working and not working with your Facebook marketing automation.

Make changes as needed to optimize your results and achieve the best outcomes for your business. Continuous optimization is key!


So there you have it: five essential Facebook automation tactics to boost your business growth.

By implementing these five essential Facebook automation strategies, you can streamline your marketing efforts, optimize your performance, and ultimately grow your business.

The best part is that, with the correct tools and tactics, you can automate a significant amount of your Facebook marketing while still achieving excellent results.

What exactly are you waiting for? Begin automating your Facebook marketing today and watch your company's growth and revenue skyrocket.

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