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How to Leverage Facebook Recruiting Tools to Find Top Talent


Last Update: Aug. 1, 2023

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Facebook was launched in 2004 has many features, such as sharing text, photos, videos, and buying and selling transactions.

Currently, Facebook is one of the most effective platforms for recruiting employees.

Companies freely showcase the company through uploaded content and post the job qualifications during recruitment.

This social media has an effective opportunity to get qualified employees who meet the company's needs.

To reach a wider range of users, companies can determine the age range of prospective employees through job vacancy information.

In addition to the above benefits, please note that Facebook users as of January 2023 according to are dominated by people aged 25 to 34 years.

Statistic: Distribution of Facebook users worldwide as of January 2023, by age and gender | Statista

Users in that range account for 17 percent of total users worldwide (1.98 billion).

Then, how to use Facebook in an employee recruitment process? Let's check out the article!

Benefits of Facebook for Recruiters

Facebook social media certainly provides many advantages in the employee recruitment process.

First, Facebook effectively helps to find users with similar interests and preferences.

In this case, Facebook directs users who have similar goals or interests in a field according to what is posted, searched, and viewed on their respective accounts.

Facebook pages are also highly customizable and easy to use for business activities, i.e. easily promoting products, services or disseminating job vacancy information.

Facebook makes it possible to create Facebook Pages, a more personalized way to connect users according to the company profile.

Business accounts can reach audiences and targets based on age, location, interests, and other factors.

Easily attach and share information from multiple platforms. Companies that include website links or other links in posting job vacancy information can be posted easily on Facebook.

Users who already have a social media account can directly click on the link and enter the job vacancy link.

This makes it easier for prospective employees to get more information about recruiters.

How to Use Facebook as a Recruiting Tool

Utilize Existing Facebook Tools

Facebook has several tools or features that you can use to brand your company, share tips, sell services, and also recruit employees.

Some of the tools you need to know are;

  • Home: a homepage that displays follower posts in the form of photos, videos, links, and writings. On the homepage, users can comment on posts that appear. Here, users can see other users' stories or reels.
  • Friends tools: Provides friend request information, suggestions for adding friends on Facebook, and information on your Facebook friends.
  • Video tools: Displays video posts or reels from users according to the duration desired by the user.
  • Marketplace: a room that displays several stores or service products.
  • Notifications: Notifications about friends' activities according to user interests, friend request notifications, likes, comments, and other activities related to your account.
  • Profile: a profile page that displays the user's bio, photo, and video archive, post content information, and related information.
  • Facebook Page: Facebook pages are tools that have many advantages in a business or branding. This page is public and easily recognized by the Google system, making it easy to reach Facebook users.
  • Ads: this tool is used by users to advertise or share job vacancy information. This paid tool can reach a wider range of users according to the target audience, age, location, and gender.
  • Facebook Groups: Facebook Groups are a great way for companies to connect with potential job candidates in a specific industry or role. By joining relevant professional groups, brands can start engaging with active members, build relationships, and get their name in front of qualified candidates.
  • Facebook Live: This is a great way for companies to connect directly with job seekers. Many major brands are using Facebook Live to host virtual job fairs and Q&A sessions.
  • Messenger Bots: Many major companies are using Facebook Messenger bots to help screen and qualify job applicants in an efficient, scalable way.

Create Facebook Account

Create a Facebook account for your company to share job information and services provided by the company.

If you already have a Facebook account, you can create a Facebook Page that is used for employee recruitment activities.

On the Facebook Page, you can share information clearly related to employee work activities, positive work environment, and even post job vacancy information.

You need to create a page profile photo and page cover accompanied by brief information about the company.

This makes it easier for visitors or users to identify the profile and purpose of the page you created.

Showcase Company Activities and Work Division

Post activities or information related to the company so that the Facebook Page is trusted and attracts the attention of visiting users.

The information uploaded can be an explanation of the work division in the company, work activities and facilities, and company programs provided to employees and others.

The information can be packaged in the form of photos, videos, or links to the company website.

Link Company Website Link in Profile

Embedding company website link information is very effective in attracting prospective employees according to the criteria needed by the company.

In addition, through the website, employees are also easy to find the type or division of work that suits their abilities.

You can embed a hiring link on your Facebook Page profile or in the job opening post column.

Company like Netflix post open position on their Facebook page, #WeAreNetflix and attach their website link for recruitment.

Candidates are urged to apply on the Netflix jobs site, but the Facebook page helps raise awareness of available opportunities at the company.

With this link, users will be directed directly to the job application page.

Recruiting Strategies Using Facebook

Post Open Recruitment

The first way you can do is to directly post the types of job vacancies available at the company.

The information is posted on the Facebook Page status that can reach many users, especially job seekers.

Big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have leveraged their own platforms to aid in the recruitment process.

For example, Google regularly post about open positions on their Google Careers Facebook page, which has over 2 million followers.

Interested candidates can apply directly through the posts.

Facebook also use their own platform for hiring. They have an official Facebook Jobs page with over 7 million followers where they list open roles at Facebook.

Candidates can submit applications and resumes directly on the page.

Facebook then reviews the applications and reaches out to qualified candidates to start the interview process.

Targeted Facebook Ads

Targeted Facebook ads are a great way for major companies to reach qualified candidates.

By selecting specific criteria like location, education, skills, and experience, companies can pinpoint the exact type of applicants they want to see their job posts.

For example, if a tech company is hiring software engineers in Tokyo they can create an ad targeted at users who:

  • Live within 50 miles of Tokyo
  • Have a computer science or engineering degree
  • List programming languages like Java, C++, or Python as skills
  • Have 5+ years of experience as a software engineer

This allows the company to get their ad in front of candidates who are actually qualified and interested in the position.

The candidates will appreciate seeing relevant job opportunities, and the company will get applications from suitable candidates. It's a win-win.

Some other targeting options include:

  • Job titles and roles (ex. nurse, teacher, project manager)
  • Companies they currently or formerly worked for
  • Professional affiliations or organizations they’re a part of
  • Their interests and hobbies outside of work

One more thing to note, the ad should be visually compelling as well, with an eye-catching image, short teaser copy, and a clear call-to-action like “Apply Now.”

Indirect Recruitment

In this way, you can do company branding to attract job seekers to look for job vacancies in your company.

A good working environment will attract job seekers to find ways to join the company team.

Employees in the company can share benefits while joining the company. This gives a more meaningful impression to job seekers.

Major brands like Google also post updates on new job openings, employee spotlights, and company culture on their Facebook page to organically reach candidates already following the brand.

Building Relationships with Prospective Employees

Building relationships with prospective employees is done by responding to comments made on Facebook.

In addition, the company must follow up on prospective employees who send applications.

This effort is made to anticipate that the candidate is needed by the company in the future.

This can also be done by activating automatic messages on the Facebook Page.

So that visitors who want to ask for information can be done automatically in the messenger menu.

As done by the Facebook account Unilever Careers which embeds messenger tools on the Facebook Page profile.

On this page, Unilever also embeds a career link that is easily accessible to visitors.

Contacting Candidates Directly

Companies can also search for qualified candidates through sources on Facebook accounts.

Usually, job seekers include their skills and professions on their social media account profiles.

Companies can offer or provide job information available to candidates.

For example, using the keywords "Journalist near Scotland UK", "Website Developer in New York City" or keywords that match the company's needs.

Increase Employee Contribution to Share Job Information

Employees can share job vacancy information through their personal accounts to reach a wider range of qualified candidates.

Job vacancy information that is in high demand or provides benefits to employees has the opportunity to be disseminated by Facebook users.

The information will reach many people because each user must have different and diverse followers.

Examples of Major Brands Tapping Facebook for Recruiting

Amazon Fulfillment Jobs

The Amazon Fulfillment Jobs Facebook account uses pages to share work activities and some motivational tips. The content uploaded is a snapshot of employee activities with testimonials of how they feel while working.

Amazon Fulfillment with 229 thousand followers posts a link on the profile. Users will be redirected to the job vacancy website on Amazon Fulfillment, so users can search for jobs that match their passion.

Walt Disney World Jobs

Walt Disney World Jobs shares the company's work activities, holiday celebrations, or entertainment activities through its Facebook Page. The account with 201,000 followers uploads a variety of content, ranging from photos, culinary cast videos, greetings, and links related to the activities listed.

This account provides a job vacancy link embedded in the profile so that users can easily access job information on Walt Disney World.

Microsoft Life

The Facebook Page of Microsoft Life, a software company, also utilizes the page as a branding of the work environment at Microsoft and the innovations it releases. In addition to embedding the company website link, Microsoft Life also provides some work balance tips, work motivation, and trends that are being widely discussed or trending.

The Microsoft Life page with 578 thousand followers provides a messenger service that can be used for interaction with page visitors.

Lego Careers

The Lego company created a Facebook Page account with the name Lego Careers with 1.1 thousand followers. In his post. Lego awards and achievements obtained by the company, video content of work experience and benefits obtained while working at Lego, new products or innovations made, community activities, and other activities.

In this account, the link career link is embedded in the bio profile which makes it easier for visitors to find job vacancies.


As more major companies recognize the benefits of recruiting through Facebook, the practice is poised to become widespread.

Overall, Facebook recruiting exhibits significant promise as a hiring solution of the future.

Pioneering brands have already found success with the approach, and as more follow their lead, the practice is likely to become widely adopted.

The targeting capabilities, massive reach, and popularity of Facebook with younger job seekers all point to the platform as an ideal venue for innovative recruiting strategies.

Companies looking to gain a competitive edge in hiring top talent would be wise to consider Facebook as a means of sourcing candidates.

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