Sanka Academy

Generative AI Marketing


Last Update: Aug. 22, 2023


Generative AI is transforming the world of marketing. Powerful new AI systems like ChatGPT can generate marketing copy, ads, landing pages, emails, social media posts, and more with just a simple prompt.

This technology opens up exciting possibilities for marketers to quickly create high-quality, customized content at scale. We’ll explore how generative AI can be utilized for a wide range of marketing tasks and the benefits it provides.


There are plenty of meaningful tools to help you on your marketing journey, but Sanka combines all the best aspects of the other tools while providing you with automation that you can’t find on any other platform!

What Sanka Can Do

  • Scheduled and AI generated announcements

  • Track sentiment of customers

  • Help you find clients that are most likely to purchase your product

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Rather than spending hours on activities that don't directly contribute to business growth, you have the chance to delegate this to Sanka's capable AI.

Generating Marketing Copy

One of the most straightforward applications of generative AI is crafting marketing copy. Whether you need taglines, headlines, product descriptions, website content, or other types of copy, you can simply describe what you want the text to convey and AI will produce options for you to choose from.

The AI takes your direction and generates natural sounding language that captures the right tone and messaging. This saves significant time compared to writing copy manually.

With generative AI, marketers can rapidly test out multiple variations of copy for A/B testing. The AI can churn out on-brand copy customized for different platforms like your website, social media, emails, etc.

It’s possible to generate hundreds of variations to find the highest performing option. AI copy also provides a framework you can edit to the right voice or style you prefer.

Creating Ads and Landing Pages

Generative AI systems excel at creating both visual assets and copy for ads. To make Facebook/Instagram ads, the AI can generate eye-catching images and video clips paired with great ad copy tailored to your target audience.

It can research your brand, products, competitors, and customer demographics to produce relevant, engaging ads.

For landing pages, generative AI can craft compelling headlines, bullet points highlighting benefits, testimonials, clear calls-to-action, and any other needed copy. The AI can even design basic page layouts for you. This allows marketers to quickly test different landing page variants.

Optimizing for SEO

AI copywriting assists with search engine optimization (SEO) in multiple ways. It can research keywords and naturally incorporate them into content in a way Google finds valuable.

The AI can create keyword-focused page titles, meta descriptions, alt text, etc. Generative AI is also great for mass producing high-quality, unique content like blog posts which helps sites rank better. For maximizing SEO, generative AI saves tons of manual effort.

Personalizing Emails

Crafting one-to-one personalized emails at scale is difficult for humans but easy for AI. With customer data like demographics, interests, past purchases, and behaviors - generative AI can dynamically generate customized email copy and creative.

Subject lines can be tailored using data like the customer’s name, past purchases, or behaviors. The email body copy can also be adapted to what’s most relevant to each subscriber.

These hyper-personalized emails build stronger customer relationships and boost engagement.

Automating Social Media

For marketers managing multiple social media accounts, generative AI is a game changer.

You can give the AI prompts like “write a funny tweet about our product launch” or “create an Instagram post with these 5 images showcasing our new shoes”. The AI will instantly generate tons of on-brand social posts for you to review or directly post.

Over time, generative AI gets better at matching your brand’s tone of voice on each platform. You can also give it guidelines to optimize for engagement by incorporating trends, holidays, current events etc. Generative AI saves a ton of time planning and creating social content.

Benefits of Using Generative AI for Marketing

Here are some of the main benefits and use cases of leveraging generative AI for marketing:

  • Creates high-quality copy and content customized for your brand quickly and at scale

  • Allows rapid iteration and testing of marketing assets like ads, landing pages, emails etc.

  • Saves enormous amounts of time compared to manual creation and optimizing

  • Helps drive performance and ROI by improving engagement and conversion rates

  • Makes it easy to tailor messaging to different platforms, campaigns, or target audiences

  • Provides constantly available support for on-demand content generation

  • Yields insights about content that performs best for your business


Generative AI is a transformative technology for modern marketing. It enables marketers to scale their efforts and spend more time on strategy while delegating content creation to AI.

When used properly, generative AI can significantly improve marketing results and return on investment. Though it has limitations currently, the technology will continue rapidly advancing in the years ahead.

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