Sanka Academy

Unlocking Success with Human Capital Management Strategies


Last Update: June 28, 2023

What you will get from this article

  • Understand the importance of Human Capital Management (HCM)
  • Understand the component of an effective HCM strategy
  • Understand how to measure HCM of your business
  • Explore how the implementation of software tools like Sanka can help companies streamline their HCM processes

Why Human Capital Management is Essential for Companies Today

Human capital management (HCM) is the comprehensive practice of managing an organization's most valuable asset - its employees.

It refers to your workforce's collective skills, knowledge, and experience. It can drive innovation, increase productivity, and give you a competitive advantage when managed well.

In today's highly competitive business environment, companies are progressively focusing on HCM to optimize their workforce, boost productivity, and explore new growth opportunities.

Whether it's through enhancing recruitment and onboarding or efficient scheduling and communication, HCM plays a crucial part in a company's success.

This post will delve deeper into why human capital management is essential and how the implementation of software tools like Sanka can help companies streamline their HCM processes.

The Importance of Implementing Human Capital Management Strategies

Having an effective human capital management strategy is key to any organization's success. Why? Because your employees are your most valuable assets.

A well-crafted human capital management strategy ensures that an organization can attract, retain, and develop top talent.

A company with an effective HCM plan can create a mutually beneficial relationship with its employees, resulting in increased growth, productivity, and overall success.

When you invest in your people and really focus on their growth and well-being, they will be invested in your organization's growth and success.

That's the power of human capital, and why effectively managing it is so critical. Implement the right strategy, and you'll be well on your way to building a world-class team and achieving your goals.

Here are some of the key advantages of implementing a human capital management strategy:

Streamlined Recruitment Process

An efficient HCM system helps in streamlining the recruitment process. It allows companies to effectively sort through the mountains of applications they receive, identify the best candidates, and carry out a comprehensive background check on prospective hires. The end-result is a faster and more reliable hiring process.

Employee Retention

A solid HCM system helps in employee retention, as it can identify the reasons behind employee turnover and develop strategies to address those issues.

This ensures that companies can keep their most valuable employees satisfied and engaged in their roles.

Improved Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an essential determinant of a company’s success. A well-managed HCM system helps in understanding the pulse of the workforce, driving employee engagement initiatives, and keeping track of goals and performance.

Enhanced communication and transparency in the organization leads to higher levels of employee engagement.

Skills Development and Upgradation

An effective HCM system allows organizations to identify the skills gaps in their workforce and devise training programs to address those shortcomings.

This not only saves on outsourcing costs but also ensures a more competent and well-equipped workforce.

Key Components of an Effective HCM Strategy

To be successful, companies need to invest in their most important asset—their people. An effective human capital management (HCM) strategy is key. Here are the essential components to include:

  • A solid recruitment and hiring process. Attracting top talent is critical. Post jobs on major sites, screen resumes, interview candidates, check references, and make competitive offers.
  • Comprehensive onboarding. Welcome new hires with enthusiasm. Provide training, resources, a mentor, and opportunities to build connections. Make their first days positive and impactful.
  • Continuous learning and development. Offer training, coaching, shadowing, and access to online courses. Support your team in gaining new skills and pursuing career growth. Their success is your success.
  • Performance management. Set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, evaluate performance, and align individual goals with company objectives. When done right, this motivates staff and boosts productivity.
  • Competitive compensation. Pay employees fairly and provide good benefits. Conduct regular salary surveys to ensure your compensation packages match or exceed the competition. People work for more than just money, but they do have bills to pay.
  • Work-life balance. While work is important, everyone needs time off to recharge and spend with loved ones. Offer paid time off, flexible work options, and an environment where taking time for life outside of work is supported.

An effective HCM strategy shows your people you genuinely care about their well-being, development, and job satisfaction. And when your people thrive, your business thrives. Implementing the right HCM practices is key to unlocking success.

Leveraging Technology for Improved HCM

Technology has revolutionized how we manage human capital. Leveraging the right tools and software can help streamline HCM processes and unlock new insights.

Applicant Tracking Systems

Using an applicant tracking system (ATS) automates the hiring process. No more sorting through stacks of resumes and cover letters. An ATS can post job listings to multiple sites, collect and organize applicant info, schedule interviews, and keep candidates in the loop on the status of their applications. Popular option like Sanka makes the recruitment process efficient and engaging for candidates.

HR Information Systems

A human resource information system (HRIS) centralizes employee data like payroll, benefits, training, and performance reviews. Everything is stored in one place, so you have a comprehensive profile of each employee. Managers can track key metrics, monitor compliance requirements, and uncover opportunities for improvement.

Learning Management Systems

A learning management system (LMS) delivers and manages employee training programs. You can create and deploy online courses, set up certifications, and monitor employee progress. Employees can access course materials anytime and learn at their own pace.

Performance Management Software

Performance management software facilitates the review process. Set key performance indicators, schedule and conduct reviews, provide feedback, and create personal development plans. Look for solutions with 360 reviews, competency assessments, goal-setting tools, and mobile access.

Developing an Employee-Centric Culture

To unlock success with human capital management strategies, developing an employee-centric culture is key.

Show Employees They Matter

Make your employees feel valued and heard. Conduct regular employee surveys to gauge satisfaction and see what’s working (and not working). Then, take action on the results. When employees feel their voices matter, they’ll be more engaged and productive.

  • Recognize and reward good work. Whether through bonuses, extra time off, or a simple thank you, recognition keeps employees motivated.
  • Promote work-life balance. Offer flexible schedules, and unlimited PTO, and encourage your team to unplug when they’re off work. Your employees will be happier and less stressed.
  • Invest in professional development. Provide opportunities for your employees to improve their skills through training, mentoring, and education assistance programs. They’ll appreciate the chance to advance their careers, and your organization will benefit from their increased knowledge and expertise.

Build an Inclusive Environment

Foster an open, collaborative culture where employees feel respected and valued regardless of their backgrounds. Make diversity and inclusion key priorities.

  • Eliminate biases and microaggressions. Provide unconscious bias and inclusiveness training to help managers and employees identify harmful behaviors and create a more equitable work environment.
  • Support employee resource groups. Back groups that represent marginalized communities, whether based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability status, or other attributes. Give them the resources to make a positive impact.
  • Promote allyship. Encourage all employees to support their colleagues from underrepresented groups and call out insensitive remarks and discriminatory actions. With shared responsibility, you’ll make progress toward building a truly inclusive culture.

Creating an employee-centric culture will lead to a happier, more productive, and more loyal workforce.

And in today’s competitive job market, that can give your organization a real competitive advantage.

Focusing on employees' well-being and fostering an inclusive environment will set you up for success.

Measuring the Impact of Your HCM Initiatives

Once you’ve implemented your human capital management (HCM) strategy, it’s critical to measure how effective it is.

By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), you’ll gain valuable insights to make improvements and adjustments.

Measure Employee Satisfaction

Surveying your employees regularly is one of the best ways to gauge their satisfaction and engagement.

Ask questions about their experience, work environment, growth opportunities, and overall happiness.

Look for trends in the results to see if new programs or initiatives are having the desired impact. Make changes as needed to boost satisfaction and retention.

Calculate Cost Per Hire

The cost to recruit, hire, and onboard new talent can be significant. Calculating your cost per hire helps determine if your hiring process is efficient or needs improvement.

Factor in expenses like job advertising, screening, interviewing, pre-employment assessments, relocation, and onboarding costs.

Compare your cost per hire year over year and also to industry benchmarks. Work to streamline the process and reduce costs where possible.

Track Key Turnover Metrics

While some employee turnover is unavoidable and even healthy, excessive turnover can be costly. Monitor key metrics like:

  • Turnover rate: Number of separations divided by the average number of employees. Aim for less than 10% for most industries.
  • Voluntary vs. involuntary turnover: Voluntary is more controllable. Look for trends in reasons for leaving.
  • Turnover by department or role: This can indicate issues with management, pay, work environment, etc.
  • Cost of turnover: Includes expenses to hire and train replacements. Strive to reduce overall cost.

Analyze Workforce Metrics

Review metrics like employee headcount, diversity statistics, and performance distribution. Look for:

  • Imbalances in department staffing or skills distribution. Make plans to address gaps.
  • Lack of diversity and inclusion. Implement new recruiting and retention strategies.
  • Large percentages of underperforming employees. Determine root causes and solutions.

Continuously measuring and analyzing data from your HCM initiatives provides insight into what’s working, what’s not, and where to focus your efforts for an engaged, productive workforce. Adjust as needed to optimize your human capital.

How Sanka Can Help You Manage Your Human Capital Efficiently

One of the most important aspects of HCM is adopting the right digital tools to manage your workforce effectively.

Sanka is an automation software designed to execute human capital management processes efficiently.

This powerful tool can help companies streamline employee management, from hiring to day-to-day operations. Here’s how Sanka can be your first choice for HCM:

Streamlined Onboarding Process

Whether it’s for an individual or a large team, Sanka's customizable onboarding process provides a seamless and smooth experience for new hires. This ensures that they can start contributing to your organization as fast as possible.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

Sanka's communication tools help in keeping everyone in the organization connected, regardless of their location. This helps in creating a culture of open communication and transparency, leading to better employee engagement.

Performance Tracking and Goal Setting

By integrating Sanka into your HCM strategy, you can efficiently track performance and set goals for your employees. This helps in nurturing a performance-driven culture that motivates employees to continuously improve themselves.

Monitoring Work Hours and Payroll Management

Sanka's time tracking and payroll management features enable companies to monitor employee work hours, ensuring compliance with labor regulations and facilitating accurate payroll processing. This helps maintain a productive work environment and eliminate errors in payroll management.

Simplified Task and Project Management

With Sanka's project management tools, you can assign tasks and projects to your team members, monitor progress, and identify potential bottlenecks in real-time. This helps companies stay on top of their projects and ensure timely delivery.


Human capital management is no longer an optional component of organizational strategy – it’s a necessity.

By focusing on HCM, companies can improve employee satisfaction, increase productivity, and unlock new growth opportunities.

By adopting HCM software tools like Sanka, companies can efficiently streamline their human capital management processes, stay ahead of their competition, and create a thriving work environment that nurtures innovation and success.

With the right human capital management strategies in place, you can unlock your employees’ potential and achieve breakthrough results.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to make your people your top priority and watch your company soar.

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