Sanka Academy

Unlock the Power of LinkedIn Automation to Transform Your Profile


Last Update: May 31, 2023


It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and optimized for connecting with new people.

With over 700 million members and counting, LinkedIn is the premier social network for career and business connections.

But who has the time to post updates, share content, connect with new people, and do all the other things required to build an effective LinkedIn presence every single day?

The good news is, you don't have to go it alone. There are some amazing LinkedIn automation tools out there that can help streamline and simplify how you use LinkedIn.

When you automate your LinkedIn activities, you open up a whole new world of possibilities for connecting, engaging, and converting leads.

These tools can automatically post updates, share content, send connection requests, endorse your skills, and more.

Automation lets you save time, do more with less work, and get results that would be hard to do manually.

Using a combination of a few key LinkedIn automation tools, you can transform your profile and presence on LinkedIn without having to spend hours every day making it happen.

What Is LinkedIn Automation?

LinkedIn automation means using tools and software to automate tasks on LinkedIn.

Things like connecting with new people, posting updates, joining groups, and messaging contacts can all be automated to save you time and help grow your network.

  • Connection tools send connection requests to people who meet your criteria instantly. This helps you reach out to more of your target group and make new connections.
  • Tools for posting update your LinkedIn page with news, articles, and other content on a set schedule. This keeps your page up-to-date and helps people find and interact with you.
  • Group tools can instantly join relevant LinkedIn groups, add comments to discussions, and invite connections to join groups. This helps you become an active member of your industry's LinkedIn group.
  • Tools for messaging send messages to your new connections immediately to welcome them to your network. You can also set up follow-up messages to send to contacts and leads automatically.

When done right, it allows you to actively engage with more of your target audience, build new relationships, and keep your brand top of mind - all without increasing your workload.

The key is finding tools that integrate with LinkedIn and allow you to customize the experience.

With so many options available, you can easily find an automation solution tailored to your needs and budget.

Why You Need LinkedIn Automation Tools

LinkedIn automation tools can save you a ton of time and help you get the most out of the platform. Here are a few reasons why you need them:

  • Save Time. By automating jobs like connecting, messaging, and posting updates, you can spend more time on strategy, creating content, and talking to real prospects. No more wasting hours a week on things that don't matter.
  • Make your reach bigger. You can meet with a lot more people every day with automation tools than you could ever do manually. The key to B2B success is this greater exposure and network growth.
  • Stay in People's Minds. With automated updates, posts, and re-shares, your business stays active and visible in the LinkedIn feeds of your connections and target audiences. Out of sight, out of mind. This problem can be fixed with regular automatic posts.
  • Get better at generating leads. Automated targeted messages and connection requests are a great way to start talks, make new connections, and find new leads. More leads will be made if you connect with and talk to more people.
  • Improvements to Analytics. Many automation tools give you data that show you how well your LinkedIn efforts are working and how much money they are making you. Find out what's working, make sure your plan is the best it can be, and spend your time on the things that bring in the most value.

Recommended Tools for Automating Your LinkedIn Marketing


Sanka is an automation tool designed specifically for LinkedIn marketing. It allows you to automatically connect with your target audience, engage with their content, and build new relationships at scale.

Some of its key features include:

  • Automated connection requests: Send customized connection requests to your target audience based on location, industry, job title, skills, and more.
  • Automated content engagement: Like, comment on, and share content from your connections and target audience. Engage with the content that matters most to build new relationships.
  • Automated messaging: Send introductory messages, follow-up messages, and nurturing messages to your new connections at scale. Build real relationships with personalized, automated communication.
  • Advanced targeting: Use Sanka’s advanced search filters to build hyper-targeted audiences based on location, industry, job title, skills, interests, and more. Only engage with the people who matter most to your business.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain insight into how your LinkedIn marketing strategy is performing with engagement analytics, connection analytics, and campaign analytics. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your results.

Other Recommended Tools

LinkedIn Post Scheduler: MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar is a handy dandy social media automation tool for managing your LinkedIn posts.

Using this nifty tool, you can create a content library of posts and Edgar will automatically schedule and publish them for you on LinkedIn, saving you a ton of time.

  • To get started, connect your LinkedIn account to MeetEdgar.
  • Then, build your library by adding your previously published LinkedIn posts, creating new posts, or curating content from around the web.
  • Once your library is loaded up, use MeetEdgar’s intelligent scheduling to determine the best times to publish to maximize views and engagement.

You have full control over scheduling parameters so you can adjust based on what works best for your unique audience.

MeetEdgar also provides useful analytics and insights to help optimize your LinkedIn strategy.

See which posts get the most clicks, comments, and shares so you can refine and improve your content over time.

You'll also get notifications whenever someone interacts with one of your posts so you can join the conversation.

Automate Your LinkedIn Connections

Dux-Soup is a popular automation tool used to send connection requests, endorsements, and messages on LinkedIn. With this tool, you can automatically:

  • Send connection requests to your target audience. Dux-Soup lets you filter by location, industry, job title, keywords, and more so you can narrow down your target list.
  • Send follow up messages after people accept your connection request. You can create customized templates with a personal touch so your new connections feel engaged.
  • Provide endorsement recommendations based on skills and experience. Dux-Soup will automatically suggest endorsements from your connections to strengthen your profile.
  • Engage with your new connections by liking and commenting on their posts. Staying actively engaged with your network is key to building strong relationships on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Message Automation: Octoparse

With Octoparse, you can automatically send connection requests and messages to your target audience on LinkedIn.

This tool allows you to set up customized outreach campaigns to engage new prospects and strengthen existing relationships.

Octoparse lets you automatically send connection requests to people who match your ideal customer profile.

For example, you can configure it to send requests to individuals with certain job titles, at specific companies, in designated locations. It will search LinkedIn and send requests on your behalf.

Additionally, you'll never again have to manually send the same message to multiple new connections. You can create message templates and Octoparse will automatically personalize and send the messages.

By automating your outreach and messaging on LinkedIn, you'll save countless hours of tedious work.

With Octoparse handling these routine tasks, you can focus your time on more important initiatives like networking, creating content, and closing deals.

LinkedIn Endorsement Automation: EndorseBox

EndorseBox is an automation tool that helps you send personalized endorsement requests and automatically endorses connections that endorse you in return. This tool allows you to:

  • Set up customized endorsement templates to send to your 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections. You can include personalized notes to make the requests more genuine.
  • Schedule endorsement requests to automatically go out on the days and times you choose. This helps to ensure you are consistently endorsing your network.
  • Enable the “endorse back” feature which will automatically endorse anyone who endorses you. This saves you time and ensures you are endorsing those who support you.
  • See reports on how many endorsement requests were sent, open rates, and how many people endorsed you back. This helps you track the effectiveness of your outreach.
  • Focus your endorsements by choosing who to target based on location, industry, job title, skills, etc. This makes your endorsements more relevant and impactful.

Using a tool like EndorseBox is a great way to build stronger relationships with your connections by endorsing their skills and having them endorse you in return.

Automating this process helps save time while still keeping endorsements personalized and meaningful.

With regular use, endorsing connections can become a habit and an easy way to engage with your network while also raising your own visibility.

LinkedIn Job Posting Automation: Recruiter Assistant

Recruiter Assistant is an automation tool that helps save you time by automatically posting new jobs to LinkedIn.

Instead of manually posting each new job listing one by one, you can schedule Recruiter Assistant to automatically post new jobs for you on a set schedule.

Even though the job posting process is automated, you still have control over the content of each post.

You can set up templates for different types of job listings in Recruiter Assistant and specify fields to pull from your careers page like:

  • Job title
  • Job description
  • Required qualifications and responsibilities
  • Company logo and information
  • Application link

Recruiter Assistant will then use these templates to automatically generate customized posts for each new job listing on your schedule.

The end result is a hands-free way to get all your new jobs in front of the talented candidates on LinkedIn right away.

Once jobs are posted, Recruiter Assistant will monitor them and notify you if any new applicants express interest in the roles.

You'll get alerts letting you know the applicant's name, background, and a link to their LinkedIn profile so you can quickly review and reach out.

You can then connect directly with promising applicants through LinkedIn to start the initial screening process.

The time savings from automated job posting and applicant alerts allow you to focus your efforts on the human side of recruiting like building relationships, interviewing, and making job offers.

LinkedIn Profile Automation: ProfileFlow

With ProfileFlow, you can automatically share updates to your LinkedIn profile to build your professional brand and stay top of mind with your network.

Connect your ProfileFlow account to LinkedIn and it will generate posts with content from your profile including:

  • Your work experience
  • Accomplishments
  • New skills
  • Certifications earned
  • Education milestones
  • Interests
  • Volunteer work

ProfileFlow curates this information into short posts with images and compelling captions and automatically shares them on your behalf according to your schedule.

Maintaining an active and optimized LinkedIn profile requires ongoing effort but ProfileFlow automates much of the work for you.

With just a few minutes to set up your account by connecting it to LinkedIn and selecting your preferences, ProfileFlow can automatically generate and share multiple profile updates each week.

This helps maximize your visibility to connections and potential new contacts while freeing up your time to focus on higher-impact activities.

LinkedIn Group Automation: GroupsXL

Managing your LinkedIn groups can be time-consuming, but GroupsXL makes it easy.

Save time by scheduling your group posts and engagements in advance.

GroupsXL has a simple interface to streamline your LinkedIn group marketing efforts.

You can target groups by name, category, number of members, or other filters to find your ideal communities.

The tool gives you analytics on each group like the number of members, average engagement, and audience demographics to determine which are worth your time.

It also lets you schedule likes and comments on other people’s posts to increase your visibility and engagement in each group.

  • Easily find relevant LinkedIn groups to join based on category, name, number of members, and other filters. Target groups that match your audience and business goals.
  • Schedule posts, likes, and comments in up to 200 LinkedIn groups at once. Engage with your groups on autopilot and save hours of time.
  • Get analytics and insights on each group to determine which are most valuable and active. Focus your efforts on the groups that drive the most engagement and new connections.
  • Vary your posts, likes, and comments for different groups based on their interests and members. Tailor your messaging to match each community.


An automation tool for advanced LinkedIn lead generation. It allows for automated connection requests, messaging, and more based on your target audience.


An all-in-one automation platform with a LinkedIn automation app. It provides tools for finding leads, sending connection requests, automated messaging, and content curation at scale.


A web scraping and data extraction tool that can be used to automate various tasks on LinkedIn like connection requests, endorsements, and joining groups. It requires some coding knowledge to set up automation workflows.


A popular automation tool that connects LinkedIn with over 1,000 other apps. It allows you to automatically send new LinkedIn connections to your CRM, email new group members, create tasks from new endorsements, and more without any coding required.

Using tools to automate key parts of your LinkedIn marketing, like connecting, engaging, and messaging, can save you time and help you build real relationships and business chances.

The key to getting the best results is to find the right mix between automation and personalization.

How to Get Started With LinkedIn Automation

Choose an Automation Tool

The first step is to select a LinkedIn automation tool that fits your needs and budget. We highly recommend you use Sanka to automate repetitive tasks on the platform, such as sending connection requests, and messages, and managing your network.

By integrating this tool into your LinkedIn, it can help you save time, grow your network, and reach your business goals on LinkedIn more efficiently

Build Your Connection Criteria

Next, establish who you want to connect with on LinkedIn for your outreach. Do you want to target:

  • Prospects in certain industries, job titles, or locations?
  • People with 500+ connections (for increased visibility)?
  • Are those who are open to new opportunities or career changes?

Set up the criteria in your automation tool to start sending customized connection requests to your target audience.

Craft Your Messages

Create a sequence of follow-up messages to send to new connections. When automating LinkedIn messages, make sure to personalize them as much as possible to stand out from the crowd and make a good impression.

Explain who you are, your value proposition, and try to start a genuine conversation. For example:

  • Hi [Name], thanks for connecting! I'm the founder of [Company Name]. We help [Value Proposition]. I'd love to learn more about your role at [Company] and see if there are any ways we might be able to help. Are you open to a quick call next week?
  • Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to follow up and see if you had any questions about how [Company Name] helps [Value Proposition]. Please let me know if there's any way I can provide value. I'm always here as a resource.

Monitor, Optimize, and Engage

Check your automation tool often to make sure everything is going well.

To improve your outreach, look at metrics like open rates, response rates, and new possibilities.

Most importantly, talk to everyone who replies if you want to make new friends and close deals.

Regularly review the performance of your automation activities and make adjustments as needed.

This can help you optimize your strategy and ensure that you're making the most of your automation efforts

Follow LinkedIn Guidelines

To avoid getting your account restricted or banned, make sure to follow LinkedIn's guidelines and best practices for automation.

This includes not overloading the platform with too many requests and maintaining a human touch in your interactions


So there you have it, the key to unlocking LinkedIn automation and achieving success.

With the right tools and strategy, you can leverage the power of automation to build meaningful relationships, gain valuable insights, and drive real business opportunities on LinkedIn.

No more wasting time with manual updates and outreach - these tools will handle it for you so you can focus on more important things.

What are you waiting for? Pick a few of these automation tools, sign up for free trials, and see which ones work for your needs.

Your optimized and automated LinkedIn presence will have you networking like a pro and connecting with more of your ideal clients and opportunities in no time. The future of your business growth is just a few clicks away.

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