Sanka Academy

Manage a Webinar Using Zoom Workflow: A Comprehensive Guide


Last Update: Dec. 19, 2023


Running a successful webinar requires more than just having great content or an excellent speaker.

Workflow management plays a vital role in efficiently orchestrating a smooth and engaging online event for all attendees.

Here, Zoom comes to the rescue. With Zoom's webinar capabilities, you can host virtual events with up to 10,000 viewers at a time based on your webinar license.

This all-in-one platform allows you to do everything from handling registrations to post-webinar analytics.

In this guide, we will dive deep into how to manage your webinar using Zoom workflow effectively.

Preparing for the Webinar

#1 Scheduling the Webinar

Start your Zoom workflow by scheduling the webinar. Go to your Zoom account, click on "Webinars", and then click on "Schedule a Webinar".

Fill out the necessary information such as the webinar's topic, description, date, time, duration, and timezone.

#2 Setting the Registration

Zoom offers robust registration capabilities where you can either manually approve registrations or let anyone register automatically.

You can also set up customized registration fields to collect specific information about your attendees.

#3 Upload a Banner

Appearances matter! Add a professional touch by uploading a banner for your webinar. The banner will present at the top of your registration, live, and replay landing pages.

#4 Create a Customizable Registration Form

Zoom allows for detailed customization of registration forms. Apart from the standard fields (first name, last name, email), you can add custom questions to learn more about your attendees or their expectations from the webinar.

#5 Manage Webinar Settings

There are several additional settings available under the "Webinar Settings" section, such as allowing Q&A, enabling a practice session, recording the webinar automatically, requiring a password to join, etc. Customize these options as per your requirement.

#6 Setting up Confirmation and Reminder Emails

To keep attendees informed and improve show-up rates, set up confirmation and reminder emails.

Zoom allows you to customize these emails by adding webinar details, the host's note, and any other required information.

During the Webinar

#1 Pre-webinar "Green Room" Check

Conducting a "green room" check before the actual webinar helps you ensure that all settings are correct, the speakers' audio and video are fine, and any slides or additional materials are ready and correctly formatted.

#2 Managing Attendees

With Zoom webinar, you can efficiently manage attendees by muting/unmuting participants, allowing them to raise hands, and even promoting them to panelists if needed.

The host and co-hosts also have the ability to remove disruptive attendees if necessary.

#3 Moderating Q&A Sessions

One of the most desired features of a webinar is live Q&A. Zoom has an integrated Q&A feature. The host and panelist(s) can view and answer attendee questions.

You can also choose to allow attendees to upvote questions, making it easier to address the most in-demand queries.

#4 Running Polls

Interactive polls can make your webinar more engaging. Zoom webinars allow you to create single or multiple choice polling questions.

The host can share the poll and show the results live to all attendees.

After the Webinar

#1 Sharing the Recording

If your webinar was recorded, you could share it with attendees or colleagues post-event. Zoom provides a local or cloud recording option.

#2 Follow-up Emails

Sending follow-up emails to attendees can prolong the impact of your webinar. You can thank your participants, share any additional resources, and invite feedback.

Zoom allows you to customize and automize this process.

#3 Analyzing Webinar Statistics

Zoom provides comprehensive reports that provide data on registration, attendees, Q&A, and polling.

These insights can help you analyze the success of your webinar and make informed decisions on future events.

#4 Storing Attendee Information for Future Webinars

Attendees' data collected via the registration process can be used for future webinars or marketing strategies.

Be sure to adhere to the relevant data protection laws while storing and using attendee data.


Hosting a webinar using Zoom and its robust features can elevate your online events to new heights.

However, successful webinars require thoughtful planning and robust workflow management.

By leveraging Zoom's diverse capabilities, such as advanced scheduling options, customizable registration forms, interactive Q&A sessions, and post-webinar analytics, you can craft highly engaging, interactive webinars.

Ultimately, the power of Zoom isn't just in hosting a webinar—it's in crafting an efficient, streamlined, and engaging experience for your attendees from start to finish.

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