Sanka Academy

A Comprehensive Guide to Tracking and Managing Manufacturing Production Workflow


Last Update: Dec. 20, 2023


Making products efficiently and effectively is crucial for any manufacturing company.

Stringent tracking and systematic management of the production workflow are essential to achieve this.

It ensures the seamless transformation of raw materials into finished goods and keeps everything moving along in a timely manner.

This article will outline detailed steps you can take to manage and track a production workflow in your manufacturing business.

What is a Workflow in Manufacturing Production

In a manufacturing context, a workflow refers to the delineated sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.

It encapsulates everything from resource allocation and procedure sequences, to the tools and methodology used at every step of the production process.

The Benefits of Workflow Management in Manufacturing

The implementation of efficient workflow systems in manufacturing production is invaluable. Here are some of the key benefits:

#1 Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Having a well-designed workflow helps streamline business operations. It outlines clear routes for product development, improves team coordination, minimizes errors and redundancies, and removes unnecessary steps, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in manufacturing production.

#2 Standardization and Consistency

Besides efficiency, workflows provide a standardized road map for tasks and processes.

Consistency in manufacturing is a critical aspect of maintaining product quality, which workflows help to maintain, thereby building customer trust and satisfaction.

#3 Improved Visibility and Transparency

Workflow tools in manufacturing provide real-time visibility into production processes.

This transparency helps managers monitor ongoing processes, identify bottlenecks, and detect issues before they magnify.

Essentially, it leads to faster decision-making and the ability to proactively mitigate risks.

#4 Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

A well-established workflow promotes effective communication and collaboration among team members.

By clearly outlining steps and responsibilities, workflow tools ensure everyone is on the same page, reducing confusion and making collaboration smoother.

#5 Better Compliance and Documentation

With enhanced tracking, workflows guarantee better compliance with both internal and external standards.

These tools help businesses maintain detailed records of each production process, assisting with auditing, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance.

#6 Cost and Time Savings

By promoting efficient use of resources, minimizing waste, reducing errors, and simplifying training processes, workflow systems can lead to significant cost and time savings.

#7 Continuous Improvement

Lastly, workflows make provision for regular review and optimization of manufacturing processes.

The continuous monitoring and real-time data provided by these tools can help identify areas for improvement, fostering a culture of continuous enhancement to stay competitive.

Step-by-step Workflow Management and Tracking

Step 1: Outline Your Process

Before you can manage or track anything, you need to map out your production workflow. Break down the entire process into separate phases such as design, procurement, production, and quality control, among others.

Step 2: Identify Activities in Each Phase

For each phase, identify the specific activities that take place. For example, in the procurement phase, activities might include finding suppliers, negotiating contracts, purchasing materials, and receiving materials.

Step 3: Assign the Lead and Team for Each Activity

Clear roles and responsibilities are essential for workflow efficiency. Assign leads for each phase of the workflow who will oversee the respective team members' activities.

Step 4: Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs allow you to measure the success of your workflow. They could include cycle times, scrap rates, or production costs. Determine what metrics are most relevant to your goals for each phase of the process.

Step 5: Implement Process Automation Tools

Your workflow will be exponentially more efficient if certain parts are automated. Procurement and inventory management software or project management systems can significantly speed up tasks.

Step 6: Document Your Workflow

Detail your workflow in a written document. Include the phases, activities, roles, KPIs, and tools you will use. This document will be useful for training new staff and for reference when making improvements in the future.

Step 7: Track and Collect Data

Track your KPIs and gather data overtime. Use this information to identify areas of promise and points of concern within your workflow.

Step 8: Analyze the Data and Implement Changes

Evaluate the data to discern patterns and areas that need improvement. Make the necessary changes and update your workflow document as needed.

Step 9: Continually Monitor and Adjust Workflow

Workflow management is not a one-time process. It requires continuous monitoring and adjustment to reflect your company's changing need and market dynamics.

Overcoming Workflow Management Challenges

Tracking and managing production workflow can come with a set of challenges:

  • Communication: Clear and timely communication within the team members is crucial to avoid confusion and ensure smooth operations.
  • Technology: Adequate technological support is vital for tracking production metrics and workflow automation.
  • Training: Good workflows are useless if your team doesn't understand them. Ensure staff training programs to equip your team with the necessary workflow knowledge.
  • Adaptability: Markets change quickly, and your workflow must keep up. It should be flexible enough to be modified when necessary.


While establishing a workflow for manufacturing production might require time and resources initially, the multitude of benefits makes this investment worthwhile.

Improved efficiency, better communication, enhanced transparency, cost savings, and the potential for continuous improvement are just a few of the many advantages that manufacturing businesses can enjoy with effective workflow management.

By understanding your workflow, identifying essential activities, defining KPIs, and committing to a continual cycle of monitoring and adjustments, your company can thrive and anticipate changes in the complex world of manufacturing.

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