Sanka Academy

Simplified Guide to Creating and Setting Up Facebook Ads


Last Update: Dec. 19, 2023


With over 2 billion active users, Facebook stands as a critical platform for businesses to connect with potential customers.

With the ability to target specific demographics, Facebook Advertising could be the game-changer for your marketing efforts.

In this blog post, you will learn a step-by-step process of creating and setting up Facebook Ads via the Facebook Ads Manager.

Step 1: Set Your Marketing Objective

Before creating an ad, define your marketing objective. Start by accessing Facebook Ads Manager and select "+ Create."

You'll have the option to choose from a range of objectives grouped into three categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

These objectives include brand awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation, messages, conversions, catalog sales, and store traffic.

Choose an objective aligned with your campaign goal.

Step 2: Name Your Campaign

Give your campaign a name. It’s good to include the date, objective, the target audience, and the creative specifications for easier identification and reporting.

Also, decide whether you want to create an A/B split test (a feature Facebook offers to test different versions of your ad) and whether you want to turn on budget optimization.

Step 3: Set Up Your Ad Account

If you haven’t already, set up an ad account in Facebook Ad Manager. You’ll need to provide basic information about your business and set up a payment method.

Step 4: Define Your Ad Set and Audience

In this section, you establish your target audience. You can select location, age, gender, language, and more vital demographics of your potential customers.

You can also use the "Detailed Targeting" field to include or exclude users based on their interests, behaviours, and previous interactions with your business.

Next, you’ll need to set placements (where your ad will appear) and your budget & schedule.

Step 5: Choose Ad Placements

By choosing “Automatic Placements,” Facebook will distribute your ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger where they're likely to perform best.

However, if you opt for “Manual Placements,” you can individually select where your ads will appear.

Step 6: Set Your Budget and Schedule

In this step, define how much you're willing to spend on this campaign by setting a daily or lifetime budget.

You also need to set your ad schedule, i.e., decide if you want your ads to run continuously starting today or within a specified date range.

Step 7: Design Your Ad

Now comes the creative portion. First, choose the ad format. You can select from options like Carousel, Single Image or Video, Slideshow, or Collection.

Next, upload your ad's media components. Facebook’s Ad specs can guide your image or video formats and sizes.

Add a compelling headline, text, and a call-to-action button. Make sure that both the visuals and the text align with and support your campaign objective.

Tips for Creating Effective Ads:

  • Use High-Quality Images: Eye-catching visuals are crucial.
  • Write Compelling Copy: Your message should be clear, concise, and persuasive.
  • Include a Call-to-Action (CTA): Guide your audience on what to do next (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Sign Up”).

Step 8: Confirm Your Ad

Review your ad and make sure everything is correct. Once you've verified all the details, click “Confirm.” Your ad will go into review before it goes live.

Step 9: Monitor Your Ads Performance

After your ad goes live, make sure to routinely monitor its performance.

Use Facebook's Ads Manager to track metrics like reach, impressions, link clicks, and more. Interpret these results to measure the success of your ad.


Facebook Ads has revolutionized the way businesses market and attract customers online.

Initially, it may seem daunting, but with meticulous strategy and regular practice, Facebook Ads become a powerful tool to effectively target, entice, and convert potential users.

Remember, the key to successful ad campaigns lies in understanding your audience, providing valuable content, keeping up with Facebook's latest features and best practices, analyzing your ad's performance, and adjusting your strategies accordingly. Happy advertising!

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