Sanka Academy

Exploring Social Media in Japan: Trends and Opportunities


Last Update: June 14, 2023

Introduction to Social Media in Japan

Social media has become an integral part of people's lives worldwide, and Japan is no exception.

With an internet penetration rate of over 93%, social media in Japan has exploded in popularity in recent years, offering businesses a way to engage with millions of potential customers.

Maybe you've heard that social media in Japan is pretty different from what you're used to. Well, you're right about that.

Social media trends in Japan provide some fascinating insights into their culture and values.

In this article, we'll explore the major social networks in Japan, how brands are leveraging them, and what opportunities might exist for connecting with Japanese audiences.

We will also discuss Sanka, an innovative tool that helps businesses execute social media strategies in Japan more efficiently. Let's dive right in!

The Rise of Social Media in Japan

Social media has exploded in Japan over the last decade. Platforms like LINE, Twitter, and Instagram are hugely popular and influence everything from social interactions to business marketing.

LINE: The largest social media platform in Japan

LINE is Japan's top messaging app which started back in 2011, used by over 84% of the population.

It quickly became the most popular communication tool in Japan and has evolved into a comprehensive platform that offers various services such as mobile payment, entertainment, advertising, games, and more.

For businesses, LINE is an essential channel for reaching out to local customers. With over 86 million monthly active users in Japan, LINE offers various advertising services such as LINE Ads, Sponsored Stickers, and Timeline Ads to engage users with your brand.

Additionally, companies can create official accounts to provide instant customer support and share information about their products and services.

Twitter: The preferred platform for real-time conversations

Twitter is the second-most popular social media platform in Japan, with over 58 million monthly active users in Japan.

While some use it to share personal updates, many follow companies, influencers, and media organizations to get news and the latest trends.

Politicians, journalists, and activists also use Twitter as a platform to share opinions and shape public debates.

For businesses, Twitter is an excellent platform to engage with customers, share company news, and participate in trending discussions.

Running promoted tweets and trending topics can help you reach a wider audience and boost brand visibility.

Instagram: The visual storytelling platform

Instagram has gained significant popularity in Japan, with more than 33 million users. The platform is particularly popular among young generations and those interested in fashion, food, and lifestyle topics.

Over 42% of social media users in Japan have an Instagram account, and brands are tapping into the platform to reach new audiences.

Using Instagram, businesses can showcase their products and services through visually appealing images and videos.

Instagram Stories is an engaging way of sharing temporary posts, while Instagram Shopping allows potential customers to make purchases directly from your profile.

Facebook: The global giant with a strong presence in Japan

Despite being overshadowed by LINE and Twitter, Facebook still has a strong presence in Japan with over 28 million active users.

Businesses can create Facebook pages and groups to share updates and company news, and engage in meaningful conversations with their customers.

Facebook's advertising platform offers businesses a wide array of targeting options that can help you reach your specific audience in Japan. You can also leverage Facebook's integration with Instagram to run cross-platform ad campaigns.

Youtube: The video-sharing platform

Youtube is another key player in Japan's social media landscape, with over 80% of Japanese internet users who watch online videos doing so on the platform.

Japanese users enjoy watching how-to videos, product reviews, and entertainment content, making Youtube an excellent platform for reaching and engaging with a broad audience.

For businesses, Youtube can help you showcase your products and services through compelling video content.

Investing in video production and Youtube advertising can significantly boost brand visibility and engage with customers in a memorable way.

With the major social networks covered, you'll be equipped to connect with all kinds of people in Japan and experience the culture in an authentic way.

Take advantage of these digital spaces and you'll make new friends, discover local hotspots, and stay on the pulse of popular trends. Social media in Japan offers a world of opportunity if you know where to look!

Sanka: An essential tool for social media in Japan

Now that we've covered the major social media platforms in Japan, it's essential to have an efficient tool to manage your social media activities.

Sanka is an automation tool designed specifically for social media in Japan, making it the ideal solution for businesses looking to boost productivity, save money, and grow their business.

Sanka can help your company in the following ways:

  • Automate various social media tasks such as content scheduling, account management, and analytics tracking
  • Generate custom reports to evaluate the performance of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement
  • Manage multiple social media accounts from a single platform, saving time and ensuring that your business remains consistent across all channels
  • Receive real-time notifications to monitor important events and customer interactions

How Japanese People Use Social Media

The ways in which Japanese people interact on social media may differ from what you’re used to.

Some of the major platforms are locally developed, while global networks are also popular but used differently.


Line is a messaging app created in Japan that combines chat, social networking, and mobile payments.

Many Japanese use Line to communicate with friends and family on a daily basis through instant messages, video calls, image sharing, and more.

Line’s mascot characters and cute stickers are an important part of how people express themselves on the platform.


Mixi was an early Japanese social network that still remains popular today, especially with women and older adults.

People connect with real-life friends and share updates, photos, links, and interests.

Although the number of Mixi users has declined in recent years due to competition from global platforms, it continues to have a dedicated base.

Instagram & Twitter

While popular worldwide, Instagram and Twitter are used differently in Japan.

Instagram is more focused on sharing photos of food, fashion, and daily life. Twitter is popular for following celebrities, news media, and companies.

However, many Japanese are more reserved in sharing personal opinions and life events compared to other cultures.

Privacy and anonymity are valued, so people tend to be cautious about oversharing personal details on global social networks.

In summary, the major social platforms in Japan were developed locally but global networks have also gained traction.

However, how these networks are used tends to differ from other parts of the world based on cultural values around privacy, communication, and self-expression.

Understanding these differences can help in effectively reaching Japanese audiences on social media.

Opportunities for Businesses on Japanese Social Media

There are many opportunities for businesses on Japanese social media.

Japan has a very tech-savvy population and high social media usage, so platforms like LINE, Twitter, and Instagram are ideal for marketing and engagement.

Build brand awareness

Use social media to increase visibility and connect with new audiences.

Post engaging content about your brand, products, and services to raise awareness.

Sponsor influencers or run ad campaigns to reach more users.

Engage with customers

Respond to comments and messages, ask questions, and run polls and surveys to actively engage with your followers. This helps build loyalty and trust in your brand.

Monitor social media for mentions of your brand and engage with users. Thank people for reviews, likes, and shares.

Drive website traffic

Share links to your website and blog posts on social media. This exposes more people to your content and helps increase traffic.

Use hashtags, tagging, and SEO to make your content more discoverable.

Get feedback

Social media is a great way to get real-time feedback from customers about your products, services, or brand.

Run contests or giveaways in exchange for reviews or testimonials.

Pay attention to comments on your posts and what people are saying about your brand. Look for ways to improve based on the feedback.


Many businesses successfully use social media for e-commerce in Japan.

Post photos and videos of your products, share deals, and coupons, and make it easy for people to click through to purchase on your website.

This is an opportunity to boost sales and revenue.

Social media provides many avenues for businesses in Japan to build relationships, increase visibility, drive sales, and get valuable feedback from customers.

With a strong social media strategy tailored to platforms that Japanese audiences use, companies can thrive.

Consistently creating and sharing high-quality content, engaging with followers, optimizing for search, and monitoring social media is key to success.

Leveraging Influencers and KOLs on Japanese Social Media

Influencer marketing and key opinion leaders (KOLs) are huge in Japan.

Leveraging influencers and KOLs on Japanese social media is a great way to raise brand awareness and connect with new audiences.

Identify Relevant Influencers

Do some research to find influencers and KOLs in your industry or niche.

Look for those with a large, engaged following on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

Check their content and audience to make sure their style and messaging align with your brand.

Reach out to them about possible collaborations, product placements, sponsorships, or ambassador roles.

Build Long-Term Relationships

Don’t just do one-off campaigns. Develop real relationships with influencers and KOLs.

Work with them regularly by providing products, experiences, and information to share with their followers.

Have genuine conversations to understand their goals and how you can support each other.

Loyal influencers that believe in your brand will produce the best, most authentic content.

Encourage User-Generated Content

Run contests and hashtag campaigns to encourage followers of influencers and KOLs to post about your brand.

Offer prizes or product rewards for the best posts. This user-generated content is very effective, as followers engage with posts from other real users.

It also takes the pressure off the influencer to constantly promote your brand.

Be Transparent

Disclose any material connection with influencers as required by law. Be transparent that a post is an #ad or #sponsored. Followers will appreciate the honesty, and it builds trust in your brand and the influencer.

Influencer marketing in Japan provides an opportunity to tap into established audiences and gain new followers in an authentic way.

Do it right by finding the perfect match, building real relationships and encouraging user participation.

With the right influencers promoting your brand, you'll gain major exposure and connect with customers that genuinely care.


Social media in Japan offers a wide array of opportunities for businesses to grow their brand, engage with customers, and drive sales.

Leveraging the power of platforms such as LINE, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube can help you reach and connect with millions of potential customers.

To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your social media efforts in Japan, consider integrating automation tools like Sanka into your marketing strategy.

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