Sanka Academy

The Best LinkedIn Tools and Services for Recruitment


Last Update: Aug. 3, 2023


LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms for professionals, with its over 830 million members worldwide, the platform truly become a powerful tool for hiring. However, sorting through hundreds of LinkedIn profiles to find an individual that suits your company can be daunting. Luckily LinkedIn has a variety of built in features and third-party tools that can help you find and connect with qualified individuals.

Whether you are a small business owner, a seasoned HR professional, or a recruitment agency, leveraging these LinkedIn resources can make a significant difference in finding the right talent for your organization.


Whether you’re a large HR department or an individual, Sanka offers solutions to manage your Social Media presence. When it comes to LinkedIn, Sanka has a suite of tools to help you manage your LinkedIn presence and assist with outreach and hiring.

With Sanka you can automatically:

  • Utilize AI to create job postings

  • Outreach Candidates

  • Search, sort, and Export LinkedIn Profiles to Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Follow up with a pre-written message to introduce yourself and spark engagement
  • Save contacts allowing you to open doors and make meaningful connections for your sales recruiting, user interviews and networking

Sanka Agency Services

Sanka also provides agency services for those that are seeking personalized searching or assistance in the hiring process.


LinkedIn Job Postings

One of the most effective ways to utilize LinkedIn for recruitment is through its job postings feature. With millions of active users, LinkedIn serves as an extensive talent pool, allowing companies to reach a vast audience.

Employers can create detailed job postings, specifying job requirements, responsibilities, and other essential details to attract relevant candidates. LinkedIn's platform also enables easy application tracking and management, making the hiring process more organized and efficient.

Advanced Search Filters

LinkedIn's advanced search filters provide employers with the ability to narrow down their candidate search based on various criteria.

These filters include:

  • Location
  • Industry
  • experience level and more. Recruiters can find potential candidates who fit their specific needs, which saves time and ensures a higher chance of finding suitable matches for their job openings. Additionally, the search results can be further sorted based on relevance, connections, or other preferences.

LinkedIn Talent Insights

LinkedIn Talent Insights is a valuable tool that offers actionable data-driven insights for businesses.

It provides:

  • Real-time information on job market trends
  • Skills availability
  • Competitor hiring strategies These insights can help recruiters and HR professionals make informed decisions, such as adjusting job requirements or understanding the demand for certain skills in the market. All of which could help you make that hire that fits your situation the best.

LinkedIn Recruiter

For more extensive recruitment needs, LinkedIn offers a premium tool called LinkedIn Recruiter. It is designed explicitly for recruiters and talent acquisition teams, providing them with additional capabilities to find and engage with potential candidates.

LinkedIn Recruiter allows recruiters to:

  • Send personalized InMail
  • View full profiles
  • Access an expanded network for sourcing passive candidates This tool is particularly useful for organizations that consistently hire for various positions and require an efficient system to manage candidate relationships.

Agency Services

LinkedIn Agency Service

In addition to its self-service hiring tools, LinkedIn offers agency services to businesses seeking more personalized assistance with their recruitment needs. LinkedIn's expert team works closely with organizations to understand their hiring requirements and provide tailored solutions to attract top talent.

These services may include:

  • Candidate sourcing
  • Talent branding

  • Strategic consulting

Partnering with LinkedIn's agency services can be particularly beneficial for businesses that lack in-house recruitment expertise or need specialized assistance in niche industries.


Monster is a popular job board that also offers agency services. They have a large database of qualified candidates, and they can help you with everything from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews. The benefits of using Monster are its:

  • Large database of candidates: Monster has a large database of qualified candidates, so businesses can be confident that they will find the right people for their open roles.
  • Brand recognition: Monster is a well-known brand, so businesses can be confident that their job postings will be seen by qualified candidates.
  • Ease of use: Monster's platform is easy to use, so businesses can quickly and easily post jobs and search for candidates. If you're looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-use LinkedIn hiring solution, then Monster is a great option.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can help you find and connect with qualified candidates. By using the right hiring tools and agency services, you can streamline your hiring process and find the best talent for your business.

Here are some additional tips for using LinkedIn for hiring:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and complete. This will help you attract more qualified candidates.
  • Be active on LinkedIn: Post updates, participate in discussions, and connect with other professionals. This will help you build your network and stay visible to potential candidates.

  • Use advanced search filters: LinkedIn's advanced search filters can help you find candidates who match your specific criteria.

  • Use InMail: InMail is a premium feature that allows you to send direct messages to candidates. This is a great way to reach out to passive candidates who may not be actively looking for a job.

  • Work with an agency: If you have a lot of open roles or complex hiring needs, you may want to work with an agency. Agencies can help you find and screen candidates, and they can also negotiate salaries and benefits.

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