Sanka Academy

What Are Twitter Threads? Understanding the Basics


Last Update: June 21, 2023

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Are you one of the many people out there who use Twitter but find it too overwhelming to keep up with all of the information and features? If so, you’re not alone.

With more and more than 396 million people using Twitter, it can be hard to keep track of all the news, updates, and conversations.

An easy way to ensure you stay in the loop is by learning about and utilizing Twitter threads.

A Twitter thread is a group of linked tweets posted by a user to tell a longer story, share their thoughts or opinions, or give more information about a certain subject.

Each tweet in a thread has a number and a link, which makes it easy for people to follow the chat.

You can use Twitter threads to talk about your own experiences, start a conversation about a certain topic, share updates or breaking news, or just say what you're thinking more clearly.

They are a popular way for people, organizations, and brands to share information and start conversations on Twitter.

Whether you’re just starting out on Twitter or an experienced user looking for tips on how to use the platform efficiently, you come to the right place!

Through this article, we will explore Twitter threads and how they can benefit your account, and also discuss how using a thread scheduling tool can help streamline your workflow when using Twitter threads.

What Exactly Is a Twitter Thread?

Have you seen Twitter threads on your timeline? Maybe you've even scrolled through a few, curious to what it was all about.

Well, let's start at the very beginning: a Twitter thread is like a story, but told in multiple tweets one after the other.

They are linked together to create one long thread so it's easy to read them in order.

There is no limit to how long your thread will be, so it gives you plenty of room for detailed information.

You can also add images, videos, and polls for anyone reading it.

Twitter threads allow users to share their thoughts and stories quickly and efficiently.

They are also great for comprehensive information as you can break it down into easy-to-read sections.

It's important to note that while threads are easy to read and follow, they take some time to write as well as promote since they are made up of several tweets that need to be scheduled out manually or with a scheduling tool.

No matter how long your thread is, keep each tweet concise so your followers don't feel overwhelmed!

Why Are Twitter Threads Useful?

Twitter threads allow you to break up longer thoughts or ideas into smaller chunks or paragraphs.

Creating a Twitter thread helps you communicate more effectively with your audience and helps them digest information more easily.

It also allows them to reply to specific points, which can increase engagement and make discussions easier to follow.

In addition, Twitter threads are a great tool for building relationships with your followers.

By sharing your knowledge in a thread, you show that you’re an expert in your field and can help others learn from your experience.

And if someone replies to one of your threads, it's an opportunity for you to have a meaningful conversation with them about the topic.

Twitter threads are also useful for content marketing.

They help you break up longer pieces of content (such as blog posts or articles) into smaller chunks that can be shared across multiple tweets over time.

This allows you to get maximum reach and engagement out of the content you create and promote it across different platforms in an efficient manner.

Finally, scheduling tools make it easy to plan out and schedule Twitter threads so they go live at the right time—allowing you to reach your audience even when you don't have access to Twitter.

How to Start a Twitter Thread

OK, so you know what a Twitter thread is, but how do you start one?

The beauty of a Twitter thread is that it’s incredibly simple to get started.

You can keep adding new tweets with the plus icon until you reach the 280-character limit in each tweet or decide you’ve said enough.

There are three primary ways you can use threads:

To tell a story

This could be about a recent trip, a funny story, a personal experience, or something completely different.

You can take your followers with you on a trip or event, making them feel like they're there with you.

To explain something in detail

Threads are great for complicated topics that need more than one tweet to explain fully.

They allow room for more detailed explanations without having to send out multiple tweets that fill up someone's entire timeline all at once.

To spark dialog and conversation

Threads are your friend when you want to ask a question or start a discussion on a topic. They let users weigh in, respond to inquiries, and join in the conversation without having it take over their entire timeline once it gets going. Using Twitter threads rather than standalone tweets allows readers to better grasp complicated subjects and gives people the chance to participate in the conversation, which encourages interaction from viewers who might otherwise have never seen the information.

Best Practices for Creating an Engaging Twitter Thread

Creating a Twitter thread can be a great way to share your message, but what are some best practices to make sure that you're creating an engaging one?

Well, here are some tips you can keep in mind when crafting your very own Twitter thread:

Keep it simple

Keep the individual tweets in your thread easy to read and understand.

Can someone quickly scan it and get the gist of what you're trying to say?

If not, then try rephrasing it or combining some of the sentences together. Remember that each tweet should stand alone on its own.

Use visuals

Add visuals whenever possible! Tweets with videos or images are much more likely to be seen and interacted with.

Try making a GIF, adding a photo of yourself, or just choose an esthetically-pleasing Twitter cover photo.

People will remember visually engaging content much better than just text alone!

Use hashtags

Hashtags can be a great way to increase engagement on your Twitter thread.

However, make sure that the hashtag(s) you use are relevant and popular—this will help draw more attention and increase engagement with your post/thread even further.

Tools to Help Schedule and Manage Your Twitter Threads

Having a Twitter thread make it easy to put together, but managing them can be a bit more challenging.

Modern technology, fortunately, comes to the rescue with tools to help you manage and schedule your Twitter threads.

Sanka is a social media management tool that offers several features to help schedule and manage Twitter threads.

Sanka is a social media management tool that offers several features to help schedule and manage Twitter threads. Schedule your Twitter thread easier with Sanka

With Sanka, users can create a thread of tweets and schedule them to be posted at a specific time in the future.

The platform also allows users to edit or delete scheduled tweets at any time before they are posted.

Another feature offered is the ability to track engagement metrics for each tweet in a thread, including likes, retweets, and comments.

This helps users understand how their audience is engaging with their content and make adjustments if necessary.

It also provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to organize and manage multiple Twitter threads at once.

Users can view all of their scheduled threads in one place, making it easy to manage their content calendar and ensure that they are posting content regularly.

Other tools like TweetDeck let you organize threads easily so that you can quickly fill out long threads without having to write each tweet one after another manually.

You can also use these tools to find content relevant to the tweets you plan on posting and track how the engagement on your thread changes over time.

So what are some popular Twitter threads that you should know about?

Well, whether it's a collection of tips, an educational series, or just an entertaining story, many people like to use threads to connect multiple tweets and tell stories!

Here are some examples of popular Twitter threads: 1. AI App for video chatting, live, streaming, and video creation from the xpression camera account and username @xpression_app shares the content of several video footage with the title Become anyone on Zoom, Twitch, or any streaming video. In the video, there is an adult man's face to a baby's face, a woman's face to a cat, and others.

  1. Dr. Irvan Kartawiria tweeted questions on how to order Starbucks, if police stations have security guards and why can't you speak Dutch when you were colonized for so long.
  1. Barack Obama on Twitter @BarackObama posted several books describing his life and the challenging lives of people who disagree with all of his ideas and perspectives.
  1. A horror thread by SimpleMan that goes viral because it claimed to be a real story of college students who did a community service program at a remote village in Indonesia. It even made into big screen because of the popularity.
  1. Cal introduced the AI editor in a post on the @imcalshort twitter account. In his post he advised readers to stop using ChatGPT, jasper or AI to write an article. He introduced his innovation,, a platform as an AI editor. Cal includes a website link and readers can try it directly for free.

Using an automation tool can be especially helpful if you want to schedule your Twitter thread ahead of time.

This way, you don't have to worry about tweeting out each part manually.

All you have to do is write your tweets in your content calendar and set the schedule. And voila! Your Twitter thread is good to go.

Twitter Threads - How-Tos

Do you feel that "Twitter thread" is easy to attract engagement, but you have to do it manually and are not very proficient at it? Threaded posts are a great way to combine multiple tweets into a single, easy-to-understand message that is longer than 140 characters.

Furthermore, threaded posts are easy to attract engagement and have become an indispensable method of social network marketing for companies.

This article provides an overview of Twitter thread and its benefits. We will also introduce how to post Twitter thread and a tool that allows you to post thread for free, so please read on if you want to make threaded posts more useful in your corporate Twitter operations.

Advantages of Twitter thread posts

There are four main advantages to threaded posting on Twitter

  • You can convey information in 140 characters or more at once
  • New information can be added
  • It is easy to draw attention to announcements of events, etc.
  • It allows past tweets to surface.

Each of them is explained in detail.

To convey information of more than 140 characters at a time.

Twitter has grown as a casual social networking service for posting short messages, but there are times when you want to convey information in long sentences.

Twitter Blue, a subscription service, extends the character limit of tweets to 4,000 characters, while free users remain limited to 140 characters.

Before the threading feature was implemented, the flow of tweets was visualized by numbering the beginning and end of each tweet or by adding arrows.

Thanks to the threading feature, It is now simpler to visually identify the link and order of tweets and provide information to consumers in a consistent manner over 140 characters.

New information can be added

With the thread function, you can add new information to past tweets by replying to your own previous tweets to create a cohesive post.

Since past tweets can be viewed at the same time as new information, users can easily understand how the new information was announced.

Attracting attention with event announcements and other information

One important benefit of having an official business account is that it is simple to draw attention to event announcements and other conversations.

Threading event notifications with a lot of information can quickly capture users' attention, and users can acquire all the information in one thread, which is more convenient for them.

For event announcements, it is recommended to divide the information into the following categories.

  • First tweet: Summary of the event
  • Second tweet: Information on participants and speakers
  • Third tweet: How to get tickets and access to the venue

Threaded posts can also be accompanied by images, so it is even better to add an event poster.

Past tweets can be surfaced

Adding new information to past tweets with the threading feature has the advantage of bringing past tweets to the top of the timeline.

Twitter is a fast-moving stream, and one-off tweets are quickly buried. Using the threading feature, you can surface past tweets with additional information later.

This is also a good way for new followers who have recently followed you to see your past tweets.

How to post a Twitter thread

There are two ways to create a Twitter threaded post

  • How to post in a single post
  • How to thread past tweets later.

Here are the details of each.

How to post in one time

To post a thread of multiple tweets at once, follow the steps below.

In the case of smartphone apps

  1. enter the first tweet text as usual
  2. tap the "+" button in the lower right corner
  3. enter the second and subsequent tweets in the "Add Tweet" section
  4. if you want to add more tweets, tap the + button in the lower right corner When all the text has been entered, tap the "Tweet All" button.

For PCs 1. Enter the first tweet text as usual.

  1. Click the "+" button to the left of "Tweet
  2. Enter the second and subsequent tweets in the "+" field
  3. If you want to add more tweets, click the "+" button to the left of "Tweet"
  4. when you have entered all the text, click "Tweet All

How to thread past tweets later

To thread a single tweet posted in the past, please follow the steps below.

In the case of the smartphone application

  1. Tap the Reply button of the Tweet you want to thread
  2. The "Add Tweet" screen will appear, and you can enter the text you wish to thread
  3. If you want to add more threads, tap the "+" button in the lower right corner and enter the text
  4. When all the text has been entered, tap the "Tweet All" button.

For PCs

  1. Tap the "+" button in the lower right corner
  2. Click the reply button of the tweet you want to thread
  3. Click on the "Add another tweet. Enter the text of the second or later tweet in the "Add another tweet" field
  4. If you want to add more tweets, click the "+" button to the left of "Tweet"
  5. When you are done, click "Tweet All

Sanka is a free and easy way to schedule threads for posting!

Twitter's threading feature is an effective way for companies to easily gather engagement in their social networking operations. However, until now, the only way to post threads on a scheduled basis was to install a paid tool.

Sanka is a free, no-code way to create, manage, and reserve threads.

Sanka is a tool that can automate a wide range of SNS tasks, including content management, social listening, and reporting, all in one tool.

Sanka is the first tool in Japan that allows users to post Twitter threads for free and with no code.

Sanka is the first tool of its kind in Japan that allows users to post Twitter threads free of charge and with no code. Even with a free account, 100 threads can be posted each month.

For more information about Sanka's Twitter thread reservation function, please check here.


Twitter thread posting is a Twitter feature that allows users to show multiple tweets as a series. It is an easy way to provide users with more than 140 characters of information in a summarized format and attract attention.

There are two ways to post a threaded post: by entering multiple tweets at once, or by threading past tweets later.

Sanka, a social networking automation and centralization tool, is the first tool in Japan that allows users to post threads on a reservation basis for free and with no code.

Until now, the only options for threads were to install a paid tool and post a thread reservation, or wait for the right moment and post it manually, but Sanka allows thread reservation with a free account.

Furthermore, no knowledge of code is required, and the intuitive ease of use makes it easy for anyone to operate.

Take this opportunity to extend your engagement by using Sanka to schedule and post your Twitter threads at the right time.


No matter what your social media marketing goals are, Twitter Threads are a great way to create engaging content that will get your message across.

By understanding the basics of the Twitter thread and how to use it in the most effective way, you’ll be able to take full advantage of this tool to increase your followers and engage with potential customers.

Additionally, by using a tool such as Sanka, you can also save time and effort by scheduling Twitter threads and even schedule recurring threads. Give it a try and see the results!

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