Sanka Academy

Top Ecommerce Recruitment Tools and Services for Successful Hiring


Last Update: July 7, 2023

What you will get from this article

  • Understand why you should choose e-commerce recruitment tools
  • Learn how e-commerce recruitment tools and services will help you find the best talents
  • Discover how Sanka revolutionizes the e-commerce recruitment


So you're looking to scale up your e-commerce business, but you know you can't do it alone.

You need to build a team of professional talents - from SEO specialists to UX designers — to help drive growth.

But how do you find the best of the best? The good news is, there are some incredible tools out there designed specifically to help you source, screen, and hire top ecommerce professionals.

In this post, we'll break down the top e-commerce recruitment tools and services that will allow you to tap into a pool of highly qualified candidates.

With the help of these resources, you'll be well on your way to assembling an all-star team to help take your business to the next level.

Why Choose E-Commerce Recruitment Tools

With the world progressing toward digital transformation, recruitment methods need to evolve too.

E-commerce recruitment tools help organizations streamline recruitment processes, save time, and ultimately, find the right candidate for the job.

It's an undeniable fact - the better your recruitment process, the better your team, and thus, your business.

How Sanka Revolutionizes E-Commerce Recruitment

The market offers many e-commerce recruitment tools, but none quite compare to Sanka.

Sanka employs cutting-edge technology to make your recruiting process faster, more efficient, and more effective.

Sanka ensures that you don’t just hire professionals – you hire the right professionals.

The All-In-One Solution: Sanka for Ecommerce Recruitment

Finding the best talent for your e-commerce business just got easier.

With Sanka, you have access to powerful e-commerce recruitment tools designed to streamline the hiring process so you can focus on what really matters – recruiting elite talent.

Sanka isn’t just a recruitment tool – it’s the recruitment solution you've been waiting for.

Here's how Sanka's e-commerce recruitment tools can save you from the hassle of traditional recruitment methods:


Sanka uses intelligent algorithms and AI to automate repetitive recruitment tasks like posting jobs, screening applications, and scheduling interviews.

This allows you to focus on the high-priority work of evaluating candidates and making hiring decisions. Automation handles all the busy work so you can work smarter, not harder.

Streamlined process

Posting a new job opening with Sanka is simple and streamlined. You provide the job details like title, description, and requirements and Sanka will post the listing to top job sites to maximize visibility.

Applicants will apply through Sanka and you’ll receive all applications in one place for easy reviewing and sorting. No more toggling between sites and spreadsheets!

Top-notch talent

Sanka’s algorithms are designed to filter out unqualified applicants and surface the best, most relevant talent for your needs.

Candidates are ranked and sorted based on how well their skills, experience, and interests match your job listing.

You’ll only spend time reviewing candidates that are a great fit for your company culture and have a high chance of success in the role.

The hiring process is complicated enough without inefficient methods and subpar tools slowing you down.

Sanka’s recruitment solution streamlines the entire process into one simple platform so you can make strategic hiring decisions backed by data and insights.

From sourcing and screening to interviewing and extending offers, Sanka’s tools help you identify and engage prime candidates so you have the best shot at hiring elite e-commerce talent.

Why keep struggling with outdated recruitment strategies when Sanka offers an all-in-one e-commerce recruitment solution?

Take your hiring to the next level with Sanka and gain a competitive advantage by building an all-star team of e-commerce talent. The future of your business depends on it.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) for E-Commerce Hiring

If you're in e-commerce, finding and hiring elite talent is crucial to your success. An applicant tracking system (ATS) can make the recruitment process a breeze.

The ATS-based solution allows you to automate the tedious parts of hiring so you can focus on finding the perfect candidates. With this tool, you can:

  • Post jobs on major job sites like Indeed and LinkedIn with a single click. It then collects all the applications in one place for easy review. No more sifting through emails and spreadsheets!
  • Screen candidates with custom assessments to find those with the skills and mindset for e-commerce excellence. The machine learning models analyze assessment results and resume to surface the most promising people for your roles.
  • Interviews for top applicants over video through the recruitment tools’ platform. Their AI tools provide real-time feedback on candidates’ facial expressions, vocal tones, and word choices so you can make the best hiring decisions.
  • Onboard new hires seamlessly with digital documents, customized onboarding checklists, and automated messages to welcome them aboard!

An ATS like Sanka eliminates the hassles of recruitment and lets you hire the kind of high-performing talent that will drive your e-commerce business to new heights of success.

Why keep struggling with old-school hiring methods when tools like Sanka make it so easy to find and recruit elite talent? Let Sanka handle the tedious tasks so you can focus on building an all-star team.

Skills Assessment Tools to Evaluate Candidates

Once you’ve sourced strong candidates, it’s time to evaluate their skills and potential. Using assessment tools designed for e-commerce roles will give you an objective view of each candidate’s abilities.

Technical skills tests

For roles like developers, designers, and data analysts, skills tests help determine if candidates have the necessary technical chops. Some options:

  • CodeSignal allows you to create customized coding tests to assess programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and SQL.
  • HackerRank offers skills tests for e-commerce-related roles like web developers, mobile developers, and data scientists.
  • For design roles, try Maze for testing user experience design skills or Adobe Creative Cloud for assessing proficiency with tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD.

Soft skills assessments

Just as important as technical skills are strengths like communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Tools such as:

  • Pymetrics uses neuroscience games to measure soft skills and behavioral traits.
  • Harver provides assessments for skills such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability.
  • SHL, a leader in talent assessment, offers a suite of tests for attributes including numerical and verbal reasoning, as well as occupational personality profiles.

Using a combination of technical skills tests and soft skills assessments will provide a well-rounded view of each candidate.

Keep in mind that no assessment is perfect, so also rely on your interview impressions when making a final choice.

The right candidate for an e-commerce role will need to demonstrate both the technical and soft skills to thrive.

Leveraging skills assessment tools, whether for technical or soft skills, helps take the guesswork out of evaluating candidates.

With data-driven insights into each person’s abilities, you’ll make a hiring choice you feel confident in.

Video Interviewing Platforms for a Personalized Experience

Video interviews are a game changer for e-commerce recruitment.

Recruitment tools allow you to connect with candidates face-to-face without the hassle of in-person meetings.


Forget trying to coordinate schedules for initial phone or in-person interviews. With this tool, you can conduct video interviews whenever works for you and the candidate.

All you need is an internet connection and a webcam. This flexibility and ease of use save you valuable time in the early stages of the hiring process.

Get a feel for candidates

It’s difficult to get a sense of someone’s personality, enthusiasm, and potential over the phone.

Video allows you to evaluate a candidate’s soft skills, see their facial expressions and body language, and get a better feel for whether they’d be a good fit for your company culture.

You can assess things like eye contact, smile, energy level, and confidence to determine if they have the qualities you’re looking for.

Ask interactive questions

Video interviews give you an opportunity to ask more engaging questions that provide insight into a candidate’s thought process and values.

You might pose a hypothetical scenario related to the role and ask how they would handle it.

Or get a discussion going by asking open-ended questions about their relevant experiences, priorities, and work style.

These types of interactive questions are much more telling than a list of standard interview questions.

Leave a lasting impression

For top candidates, a video interview can reinforce their interest in the position and strengthen their enthusiasm for your company.

Speaking face-to-face, even if via video, makes for a more personal experience and allows them to connect with you on a deeper level.

This can give your company a competitive edge and encourage highly sought-after candidates to pursue the role.

Using recruitment tools solution for video interviewing helps ensure you don’t miss out on elite talent for your e-commerce business.

The convenience, insight, and connection video provides give you an advantage in recruiting the best and brightest. Why settle for anything less?

Invest in the Future: Choose E-Commerce Recruitment Tools

Investing in e-commerce recruitment tools results in immense long-term benefits. You can save time, cut down employee turnover rates, and end up with a team of highly skilled professionals who understand your business and your goals.

Remember, as a business professional looking to grow, your prime focus should be on driving productivity and saving money, not getting lost in the endless spiral of traditional recruitment methods.

Let Sanka’s innovative e-commerce recruitment tools and services do the hard work for you, so you can concentrate on what truly matters - growing your business.

Sanka aims to make e-commerce recruitment as simple and hassle-free as possible.

Their tools and world-class support provide an end-to-end solution for finding and hiring the best candidates for your business.

So, why hesitate? Make the smart move and choose Sanka for your e-commerce recruitment needs today.

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