Sanka Academy

What are Recurring Invoices and how to create them: The Essential Guide


Last Update: Oct. 16, 2023

Are you running a business that issue the identical invoices again and again? Are you tired of doing that? If so you came to the right place. In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency and automation play crucial roles in maintaining a competitive edge.

Whether you’re running a services or real estate business, one area that often gets overlooked but holds immense potential for streamlining operations is recurring invoicing.

In this post we’ll go through what recurring invoices are and how you can create them to save time and money.

What Are Recurring Invoices?

At its core, a recurring invoice is an invoicing system where businesses automatically send bills to clients at regular intervals without manually creating them each time.

Think of it like setting up an automatic payment for a subscription service; once set, you’re billed consistently without additional effort.

This not only simplifies billing processes but also ensures that businesses get paid on time, every time.

The Advantages of Recurring Invoices

1. Time Savings: Manual invoicing takes time. Every month, you gather details, key them in, double-check the amounts, and send them out. With recurring invoices, this entire process can be automated. Once set up, you save hours every month.

2. Improved Cash Flow: Predictable and regular billing means predictable and regular cash flow. This stability helps in budgeting, forecasting, and ensuring that business operations run smoothly.

3. Reduced Errors: Automated systems reduce the likelihood of human error. You can be confident that your invoices are accurate, reducing disputes and fostering trust with your clients.

4. Enhanced Professionalism: Regular, timely bills underscore professionalism. It sends a message to your clients that you are organized and reliable, which can boost your business image.

Setting Up Recurring Invoices

Creating recurring invoices might sound complex, but with modern invoicing software like Sanka, it’s simpler than ever. (and more th) Here's a general outline to get you started:

1. Make sure you have everything you need.

Check you have all the necessary information (client name, billing address, due date, and the amount to charges to name a few.)

All good? Visit Sanka’s Invoice app:

2. Input Client Details: This involves setting up a client profile with all pertinent information – name, address, contact details, billing frequency, and so on.

3. Determine the Billing Frequency: Depending on the nature of your service or product, decide how often you want to bill your client. This could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or any other interval that suits your business model.

4. Detail the Products or Services: Clearly outline the products or services you’re billing for. This ensures transparency and reduces potential disputes. Most software platforms will allow you to save product or service details, streamlining future invoicing.

5. Set Payment Terms: Clearly define when the payment is due. This could be upon receipt, within 30 days, etc. Setting clear terms upfront reduces ambiguity and ensures you get paid on time.

6. Automate Invoice Distribution: Opt for software that sends invoices automatically on the predetermined date. Additionally, choose platforms that send reminders to clients as the payment date approaches.

7. Monitor and Update: Business needs change. Periodically review your recurring invoices to ensure they still align with the services provided and adjust as necessary.

Enhancing Productivity Beyond Invoicing

Recurring invoices are just one piece of the productivity puzzle. Consider these tips for boosting efficiency across the board:

1. Centralize Business Processes: Consolidate tools and platforms. Instead of having separate tools for invoicing, inventory management, and CRM, consider integrated solutions that offer everything under one roof. Sanka is a platform for every business to run all of their operations.

2. Regular Feedback and Continuous Learning: Encourage your team to regularly review business processes, gather feedback, and be open to change stay updated with the latest in industry best practices.

3. Embrace Automation: Beyond invoicing, look for areas in your business where automation can save time and reduce errors. This could be in marketing, customer support, or order processing.


In the realm of business, time is money, and productivity is the bridge that connects them.

Recurring invoices represent a tangible way to reclaim time, improve cash flow, and amplify professionalism.

By leveraging modern tools and techniques, businesses can streamline invoicing, ensuring they stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

As you embrace recurring invoicing, remember that it's part of a broader quest for excellence. Continuous improvement, embracing innovation, and fostering a culture of learning are the bedrocks of a successful and efficient enterprise.

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