Sanka Help Center

How to invite and manage users


Last Update: Sept. 18, 2024


Inviting and managing users in Sanka is a crucial step to enable collaboration within your team or organization.

Sanka allows you to invite members, assign roles, and define permissions, ensuring that everyone has the appropriate level of access to tools and data.

What you will learn from this guide:

  • Access user management
  • Send invitation for new users
  • Accept invitation

Access User Management

1: Visit Sanka and log in to your account.

2: Navigate to the Workspace where you want to invite users.

3: Click on the Workspace button below the Modules and select User Manager from the settings menu.


Send Invitations

4: You will be directed to Users page. Fill out email addresses of the user to invite. Click Invite User button to send an email invitation to the specified users.



Accept Invitation

5: The invited user will receive an email containing a link or code to join the workspace.


6: Upon clicking the link, they will be prompted to create a Sanka account (if they don’t already have one) and will gain access to the workspace.

7: If the invited user already have Sanka account, the user will directly have an access to the specific Workspace after clicking the link or entering the code.


8: Back to initial user’s Workspace, you will see the invited user is displayed on the Users page after acceptance. You can now or later change the roles or set permission for the user.


9: In addition, you can add multiple users by clicking Import button. But before, you need to link with the Integrations to do the features. Learn about integrations here!

add 1.png

add 2.png

In the following video, you can check the methods while watching the demo screen. Please review it as well.

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