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Order management solutions for Ecomemrce

Minimize the time and sales loss with the best order management.
What Sanka Offers
Do you have these problems?
  • 販売予想を大きく外し、在庫管理・売れ残り商品に対応で損害が大きい。

Sync all of your items and orders across D2C, marketplace, offline orders to achieve the highest efficiency.

Trusted by Leaders
Foods. Apparels. Beauties. Gadgets. Outdoors.
The trusted partner for all types of ecommerce.
Years in Business

Before using Sanka, we were doing all the reporting work manually, which took hours every day. After installing Sanka, all these tasks were automated and my work became much easier. Highly recommended for anyone looking to automate their tasks and improve efficiency.


Sanka is our trusted partner who can commit to and run projects from the same perspective as our members, rather than just giving advice. They have even accompanied us on business trips and supported our recruitment activities.

Onboarding & Support
Sanka supports you when you need it.
  • Dedicated onboarding team.

  • Free migration services from current tools.

  • Support team helps you onboard / fix issues 24/7.

  • Instant solutions from our help center.

  • Custom development and data integrations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sanka's commerce solution?

Sanka offers an online service to streamline commerce, supporting business growth for ecommerce companies.

What industries is Sanka most suitable for?

It is effective across a wide variety of sectors, including retail and D2C brands for foods, sports, apparels, furnitures, tech, health and beauty services. We support subscription businesses too.

Can I customize Sanka for my workflows?

Yes. Sanka offers integration with over 50 popular apps and also API endpoints so you can build the best workflows for your ecommerce operations.

How is support provided?

Sanka's dedicated support team provides comprehensive support from activation to operation. For the standard plan, free email support is available, and for the primary support plan, phone and visit support are also available. Additionally, webinars and video courses are regularly offered.

How secure is it?

Security is one of our top priorities. Starting with two-factor authentication and SSO for customers, we adopt the latest encryption technologies and security protocols for our infrastructure, thoroughly protecting customer data. We also regularly undergo checks from security professionals to ensure a robust security posture.

What is the pricing structure?

Sanka's pricing structure is simple, available for a monthly fee of $300. For more details, please see this page.

Sanka Pricing
$300/month for everything you need to grow your ecommerce.
Sanka Other Services
Monthly Cost
✅ $300~ 🛑 $1,500~
All Data for Ecommerce Growth
✅ Covered 🛑 Limited
Number of Users
✅ Unlimited 🛑 Limited
✅ Unlimited 🛑 Limited
Setup Fee & Contract Period
✅ None 🛑 3 Months~
Migration Support
✅ Supported 🛑 Limited
Ecommerce Support
✅ Dedicated Staff 🛑 External Vendors
Start Free

Contact us for more information.

Free trial & demo
Onboarding support
Estimates & quotes
Data migration
Software development