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Inventory Transaction Object Overview


What is the Inventory Transaction Object

The Inventory Transaction Object is a critical element for tracking and managing the movement of goods in and out of a business’s inventory.

It provides a detailed record of every transaction that impacts inventory levels, such as purchases, sales, returns, and transfers between locations.

Simply put, this object serves as a transactional log that records every instance of inventory being added or removed, ensuring that stock levels are accurately tracked and updated in real-time.

Key Data of the Inventory Transaction Object

Here are the critical data of the Inventory Transaction Object:

  • Transaction ID: A unique identifier for each transaction, allowing businesses to easily reference and track specific inventory movements.
  • Transaction Type: The type of transaction being recorded, such as a stock-in or stock-out.
  • Inventory: This links the transaction to the relevant Inventory, which contains detailed information about the item.
  • Quantity: The amount of the item being added to or removed from inventory.
  • Transaction Date: The date and time when the transaction occurred, ensuring that all inventory movements are properly timestamped.
  • Inventory Type: The type of inventory which is being added or removed, such as available, unavalaible, and committed inventory.

How to Create and Manage Inventory Transactions

After reading and comprehending the definition of an Inventory Transaction Object, you can now start to creating and managing your inventory transaction.

Managing inventory transactions in Sanka is straightforward. Once an Inventory Transaction Object is created, it automatically updates the corresponding stock levels, providing an accurate reflection of available inventory at any given time.

To learn more about how to create and manage inventory transactions in Sanka, visit this link.

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