Sanka Help Center

How to Add Companies in Sanka


Last Update: Oct. 24, 2024


Adding a company in Sanka helps you manage your business relationships by keeping track of suppliers, partners, or clients in one place.

This guide will walk you through the steps to add a new company in your Sanka workspace and how to manage its details.

Process to Add Company:

Log in to Sanka

1: Log in to Sanka

2: Ensure you are in the correct workspace where you want to add and manage company.

Navigate to the Companies Module

1: Once logged in, locate the “Companies” module on the left-hand menu.

2: Click “Companies” object. This object allows you to create and manage company information for customers, suppliers, and other business associates.

Create New Company

1: In the Companies object, click the “New” button located at the top-right corner of the screen.

Fill Out Company Information

1: Click single entry. A form will appear for you to fill in the company details. Enter the following information:

  • Company Name: The official name of the company.
  • Profile Image: The official logo or image of the company.
  • Company Website: URL of the company’s website.
  • Company Address: The company’s physical or mailing address.
  • Phone Number: The contact number for business communication.

Save Company

1: After entering all the required information, click the “Create Company” button to store the company.

2: The company will now appear in your Companies list, ready to be associated with transactions, inventory tracking, or any other relevant tasks in Sanka.

View and Manage Companies

1: Once the company has been added, you can view detailed information, edit or update the company details by clicking on the company's ID or name.

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